Engage in cultural conversation and earn HC credit!

The INTO OSU Cultural Ambassador Conversant Program provides an opportunity for honors students to earn credit while participating in a mutual cultural exchange. Participating honors students commit to meeting on average one hour per week with their international partner, keeping a log of the times and places they met and the topics discussed, and completing a 2 page reflection paper due at the end of the term.

“Although the purpose of the program from an academic perspective was to practice English, both my partner and I used this time to explore one another’s cultures. Without an adequate understanding of a different culture, there is no way to fully appreciate the value of your own background, beliefs, and heritage.” –Matthew Kaiser, 2015 HC graduate

“Finding friends that provide different conversations and have vastly different upbringings from my own shows me a lot about how lucky I am, and how meaningful intercultural dialogue and worldly reflections are in living a more well-rounded life.” –Jack Lammers, 2015 HC graduate (You can read about Jack’s experiences abroad on his blog, Viviendo la vida dulce.)

“Being a Cultural Ambassador was an enlightening experience. It has enhanced my perspective, sense of global responsibility, and knowledge of cultural diversity. Moreover, it has made me a more thoughtful, open-minded person.” –Tanna Wilson, current HC student

How to enroll: The HC 409 Cultural Ambassador Conversant Program credit needs to be signed up for by the end of the first week of each term.

  1. First, students must sign up for CACP. Program information, including the application process is available at https://intoosu.oregonstate.edu/volunteer#CACP-Volunteers. Questions about the CACP program or how to sign up can be directed to Sarah Sims [email protected].
  2. To enroll for the HC 409 credits, students must meet with a HC advisor to complete a Learning Agreement, which then must be signed by a CACP staff member. Return the signed form to a HC advisor, who will enter an override and email students with any further instructions. Questions about enrolling for the HC 409 credits can be directed to Leanna Dillon at [email protected].