A Legacy of Impact
For the past 30 years, the Honors College has been helping students realize their dreams. Financial support for scholarships gives all students the opportunity to succeed in honors and beyond. Whether you can give $30 or $3,000, you can celebrate all that we have accomplished by contributing to a better future today.
of surveyed alumni say their Honors College experience has been influential on their post-graduate lives, and 37% cite their experience as very or extremely influential
of honors students have financial need
higher retention rates among students who receive an Honors College scholarship versus those who don’t
Reflecting on Three Decades of Excellence
For 30 years, the Oregon State University Honors College has provided outstanding students with unique opportunities in and out of the classroom that expand their horizons and their possibilities. In celebration of our 30th anniversary as a college, we will explore that history of innovation and excellence by taking a journey through past Honors College articles, drawing from the Honors College Chronicle, a student-written publication, (1997-2007) and the Honors Link magazine (1997-present), featuring contributions from HC faculty, students and friends. Each term will focus on a different decade: fall term will cover 1997-2005, winter term 2006-2015, and spring term 2016-present. As a current Honors College student, I’ve chosen one article from our publications dating back to 1996 and added a personal note on its relevance for today’s students.
— Ava Wittman, HC Student Writer
2006-2015 stories

1997-2005 Stories

Close One Door, Open Another
Honors Link, 2002
Kalan Guiley, ‘04 (H.B.S., Mechanical Engineering)

Featured Stories

Faculty Feature
Twenty-seven Years of Connecting Honors Students to Natural Landscapes
Ana Tracy, Student Writer