Robert Brudvig
Program Coordinator of Music
Research Interests:
Concert Percussion World Percussion – OSU Steel Band
Dan Faltesek
Associate Professor of New Media Communications
Research Interests:
Mass image analysis • Text and turn abstractions • Augmented Reality
Elizabeth Helman
Program Coordinator of Theatre
Research Interests:
Studying Inter- and Intrauniversity Change Initiatives Targeting University-based STEM Education Improvement
Tim Jensen
Director of the School of Writing, Literature and Film
Research Interests:
rhetorical theory and critical emotion studies
Alison Johnston
Associate Professor of Political Science
Research Interests:
International and comparative political economy; West European and EU politics; European monetary integration; labor market and collective bargaining politics
Amy Koehlinger
Associate Professor of History
Research Interests:
Boxing, Manhood, and Catholicism Catholic Nuns and Social Reform Religion and Psilocybin Pacific Northwest Spirituality White Racism in Christianity Religion in Nature and Wilderness Religion and Sports
Jon Lewis
University Distinguished Professor of Film Studies
Research Interests:
American film and cultural history
Todd Pugatch
Associate Professor of Economics
Research Interests:
International economic development; Economics of education; Big question: how can education systems work better, and for more people?
Paul Thompson
Associate Professor of Economics
Research Interests:
Education Policy : Four-day school weeks, Financially-troubled schools; Local/State Public Finance; Local Political Economy; Social programs and taxes
Michael W. Trevathan
Political Science Instructor
Research Interests:
Global Environmental Politics • Climate Conflict • Global Environmental Governance • Voice and Representation • The Effects of Environmental Insecurity on Gender and Ethnicity
Nicole von Germeten
Associate Dean
Research Interests:
History; Spanish and Portuguese-speaking world, especially Mexico and Spain, also Brazil and Colombia; African diaspora; Gender and Sexuality; History of violence; Honor and history of emotions; Witchcraft and magic; Legal history
Joel Zapata
Assistant Professor of History
Research Interests:
Long-term history of the greater U.S.-Mexico borderlands, the Southwest, the South, and the lands where these regions meet, the Southern Great Plains.