All Honors College students are required to make an annual Honors College progress appointment with an HC academic advisor. When it's time to schedule an appointment, HC academic advisors will notify students by email. At this appointment, students should be prepared to share their academic goals and timeline for graduation and thesis completion. Honors College academic advisors will help students plan for successful completion of their Honors requirements, specifically GPA and the HC curriculum including credits, coursework and the thesis based on their shared timeline and goals.
Graduation with an Honors Baccalaureate degree requires a cumulative Oregon State GPA of 3.25 or higher at the time of graduation. Courses completed at other colleges and universities are not included in the Oregon State GPA. If a student's cumulative Oregon State GPA falls below a 3.25 they will be contacted by an Honors College academic advisor and invited to discuss resources and a plan for meeting the GPA requirement by their graduation term.
Pace of progress towards completion of honors curriculum requirements will vary depending on your expected graduation date, along with factors such as: scheduled courses in your major, study abroad, and internships. It's important to meet regularly with an HC academic advisor to communicate updated timelines and goals. Curriculum requirements
Students must complete the Stage 1 course during their first year in the HC. Students transferring into the HC must complete the Stage 1 course during their first term, or as soon as possible. Thesis progress beyond stage one is measured according to the timeline set in the student's Thesis Plan. It's important to meet regularly with an HC academic advisor to communicate updated thesis timelines and challenges. Thesis Guide
Request for Reinstatement
A student who has withdrawn from the HC may request for reinstatement. Requests must include a detailed plan for completion of the honors degree requirements. Students must have an Oregon State cumulative GPA of 3.25 or greater at the time of the request to receive consideration. Students wishing to be reinstated should complete a request. Students will be notified of decisions via their ONID email account within 14 business days of submission.