College of Engineering Potential Research Opportunities

Houssam Abbas

Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Research interests span the design, control and verification of cyber-physical systems, with particular emphasis on autonomous systems, like self-driving cars and drones, and medical devices. In particular, he is interested in the development of light-weight verification techniques that can run on-board autonomous systems and their dual use for control. He is also investigating distributed control algorithms for complex aerial missions. On the medical side, he is currently investigating programming languages suited for programming resource-constrained medical devices, and developing theoretical guarantees on their energy use.

Research Site


Roberto Albertani

Associate Professor of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Experimental aerodynamics and stress analysis of flexible structures, environmental impact of wind energy, high-performance sailboats testing techniques, fiber composites technology, micro air vehicles, and biological flight mechanics.Composites prosthetic feet;  Distributed propulsion Wind energy and wildlife; Non-destructive inspections; Albatross flights research

2020 Slide Link


Sourabh Apte

Professor of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Prediction of pollutant residence times in environmental flows; Wavelet-based data compression and analysis to quantify clustering of inertial particles (droplets in clouds, solid particles in reactors)

2022 Slide Link

2021 slide link 

2020 Slide Link


Nick AuYeung

Associate Professor of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Thermal/thermochemical storage – High temp HX-reactors – Waste heat recovery – Thermochemical cookstoves – Low temp thermal storage • Solar displacement of fossil fuels – Renewable process heating for industry – Alternative fuels (e.g. H2) • Open to your interests!

2022 Slide Link


Mike Bailey

Professor of Computer Science

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Scientific visualization, high performance computer graphics, solid freeform fabrication, geometric modeling, and computer aided design and analysis.

Projects include: GPU programming for volume and flow visualization, volume data analysis and interaction, dome projection, stereo displays, tsunami visualization, mechanical stress absorption, and understanding the proliferation of a tree virus.

Research Site


Ravi Balasubramanian

Associate Professor of Mechanical, Indust & Mfgr Engr

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Tendon biological response to dynamic loading (working on project w/ Morgan Giers);          Robustness of non-fouling coating to handling during surgery

2022 Slide Link


Michelle Bothwell

Professor of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Engineering and social justice and have some data sets already recorded that could be used in analysis, or a student could set their own project; Towards a socially just engineering profession: interrogating engineering culture; feminist theory that centers intersectionality; critical disability theory; professional engineering ethics and social responsibility; institutional transformation


Samuel Briggs

Assistant Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Design, development and construction of molten salt flow and materials test loop; Technique development for sensing materials degradation in-situ via acoustic emission monitoring; Characterization of materials degradation following exposure to extreme environments

2020 Slide Link


David Cann

Professor of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Synthesis and electronic properties of metal oxides; Focus on the role of crystal structure and point defects on the dielectric and electromechanical properties; Ceramic materials with electric-field induced phase transitions: Cooling devices; Development of new materials for oxygen conductors/electrolytes; Development of new ceramic capacitor materials for mobile applications

2020 Slide Link


Chih-hung Chang

Professor of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Fabrication of Functional Metal Organic Frameworks Thin Films using Microfluidic Pen; Microreactor-Assisted Nanomaterial 3D printing

2022 Slide Link


Sasha Chemey

Assistant Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Interdisciplinary study of nuclear chemistry, physics, and engineering to synthesize new elements and compounds to solve generational challenges in pollution and green energy. 

2021 slide link


Lizhong Chen

Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Machine learning accelerators, applications of AI in computing systems, intelligent mobile and wearable devices, general purpose CPU and GPU designs, and data centers and supercomputer optimization. 

2021 slide link


Tianyi Chen

Assistant Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Modeling the microstructure evolution of materials under laser-based surface treatments; Development of electrochemistry based methods for corrosion and stress corrosion cracking tests.

2022 Slide Link

2021 slide link 


Onan Demirel

Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Intersection of human factors engineering, engineering design, and systems engineering. His work includes developing computational and experimental human-centered design theory and methodology, specifically digital human modeling and human-in-the-loop design to incorporate human factors engineering principles early in the design for automotive, aviation, consumer, and healthcare product development.

2021 slide link


Pallavi Dhagat

Associate Professor of Electrial Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Write code in LabView for automating measurements. The equipment involves an ultrafast laser and high field magnet, and lots of other instrumentation. A great opportunity to learn how to write real-world user-friendly code, make sophisticated measurements and interact with professors and students from physics and electrical engineering.
Make measurements on 2D materials (graphene)  You will have the chance to work setting up experiments and conducting measurements using a state-of-the-art ultrafast laser and cryogenic magnet to explore new properties in new materials. 


Andy Dong

School Head, Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering, Professor of Mechanical Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Strategy in the design of engineered products and systems


Martin Erwig

Stretch Professor of Computer Science

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Language design, domain-specific languages, functional programming, visual languages


Zhenxing Feng

Associate Professor of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Conversion type electrocatalysts for water-splitting for hydrogen production;  Aqueous lithium- and sodium-ion batteries

2021 slide Link 

2020 Slide Link


Naomi T. Fitter

Assistant Professor of Robotics

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Socially Assostive robotics; haptic; entertaining interactions

2022 Slide Link


Morgan Giers

Assistant Professor of Bioengineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Tendon biological response to dynamic loading (project with Ravi Balasubramanian)


Adam Higgins

Associate Professor of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Strategies for delivery of cryoprotectants into tissues for cryopreservation

Research Site


Sanghyun Hong

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Breaking deep learning models Breaking existing defenses against attacks Understanding why attacks are possible Develop a better defense mechanism

2022 Slide Link


Chris Hundhausen

Professor of Computer Science

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Computing & Engineering Education • Learning and data analytics • Collaborative software engineering • Social learning environments • Human-computer interaction

2022 Slide Link


Xue Jin

Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Optimizing membrane drinking water treatment process; Aerobic granular membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment/reclamation; Osmotic membrane photobioreactor for wastewater treatment and microalgae harvesting

2022 slide link

2021 slide link


Matt Johnston

Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Biosensor and bioelectronic platforms; massively-parallel sensing; lab-on-chip technologies for medical monitoring and point-of-care diagnostics


Goran Jovanovic

Professor of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Investigating blood damage within microchannel lamina systems; Modeling & simulating device operation and physiological responses; Blood oxygenation and gas management applications;  Therapeutic plate surface functionalization: attachment, entrapment, encapsulation;  Advanced manufacturing of microchannel lamina plates (ATAMI)

2022 Slide Link

2020 Slide Link


Christine Kelly

Associate Professor of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

  • Project 1 (ENVE or BIOE): Characterization of an engineered wetland's performance in treating wastewater treatment plant effluent. Molecular biology knowledge would be beneficial.
  • Project 2 (ENVE or BIOE): Wastewater-based epidemiology for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
  • Project 3 (any major): Development of lyophilization (freeze drying) experiments for a laboratory.

Bioreactor design and cost analysis of preparing microorgnaisims for bio-cementation to stabilize coastal dunes; Bio-cementation of fine-grained soils, specifically liquefiable silts (works T. Matthew Evans-CCE, Burkan Isgor -CCE and Jason Weiss- CCE)

2019 Slide Link


Fuxin Li

Associate Professor of Computer Science

[email protected]

Research Interests:

For many applications, high predicted accuracy is insufficient, we want to know when our models are uncertain • One hypothesis suggests: given many models, each model responds to outlier data differently, and by averaging their predictions, we can identify anomalies. • This can be achieved by Ensemble of models. However, training large number of models is computationally inefficient. • We are investigating this problem using Generative Particlebased Variational Inference, that is capable to output samples weights for the target neural network.

2022 Slide Link


Kaichang Li

Professor of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Development of novel biodegradable polymers from renewable materials; Investigation of vegetable oil-based pressure sensitive adhesives

Research Site


Arun Natarajan

Professor of Electrical Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

mm-wave and sub-mmwave integrated circuits and systems for high-speed wireless communication and imaging


Jeff Nason

Professor of Environmental Chemistry

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Researching Physical and Chemical Processes for Water Quality Control, Aquatic Chemistry, and Fate and Transport of Particulate Contaminants

2021 Slide link


Ean Ng

Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Economic modeling of systems/initiatives that involve social aspects; Validation of a project termination model based on engineering economy and decision theory; Development of models to correlate culture with actual performance in an organization; Development of a decision model of students’ choice between online and in person classes

2020 Slide Link


Kyle Niemeyer

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Reduce/simplify models for the combustion of fuels; Simulate combustion, flames, and fires; Develop Python software for testing combustion models against experimental data; Simulate fluid mixing in the ocean

2021 slide link 

2020 Slide Link


Clotilde Pierson

Assistant Professor of Architectural Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Analyze the effect of wood finishes (masstimber buildings) on the indoor lighting environment - Compare electrochromic glazing strategies in the case of an energy crisis Experimental testing: - Validate an open-source, low-cost sensor for light measurement and glare assessment - Test the accuracy and reliability of new wearable light sensors

2022 Slide Link


Skip Rochefort

Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Waste Plastics to Fuel (Pyrolysis/Gasification); Wildland Firefighter Fireproof Shelter; Hydrogels for Delivery of Botanicals; Menstrual Health & Hygiene  - Botswana; Hemp Processing and Color Filtration; Recycled Plastics for use in Inkjet Cartridges

2022 Slide

2021 Slide Link

2020 Slide Link


Greg Rorrer

Professor of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Photosynthetic organisms for sustainable CO2 capture, biofuels, and valued products; CO2 capture and nutrient removal by algae in engineered flow systems;  Product analysis

2020 Slide Link


Melissa Santala

Associate Professor of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Role of surfaces and interfaces in the structural and phase stability of nanostructured materials; the kinetics of phase transformations; and has extensive experience in the application of transmission electron microscopy to problems in materials science, including aberration-corrected S(TEM) and photo-emission TEM.


John Selker

University Distinguished Professor of Crop and Soil Science

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Make new sensing systems for environmental monitoring; Improve African meteorological data by cross-comparison between stations; Fiber Optic Sensors to improve understanding of environmental processes; Unmanned vehicles for environmental sensing

2022 Slide Link

2020 Slide Link


Prasad Tadepalli

Professor of Computer Science

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Artificial intelligence, machine learning, automated planning and reasoning, natural language processing


Chet Udell

Assistant Professor of Biological and Ecological Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Make new sensing systems for environmental monitoring; Improve African meteorological data by cross-comparison between stations; Fiber Optic Sensors to improve understanding of environmental processes; Unmanned vehicles for environmental sensing

2022 Slide Link

2020 Slide Link


Pam Van Londen

Computer Science Senior Instructor

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Incorporating a Cognitive Styles assessment into computing courses helps students understand their learning style, which can help them avoid imposter syndrome. Looking into reasons why women and marginalized groups leave STEM jobs at higher rates: "The Leaky Pipeline" 

2021 Slide link


Hector Vergara

Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Application of methods and tools of operations research to problems in transportation, logistics and distribution, supply chain design and optimization, facility location, and network design; Manufacturing systems and data collection and decision support systems


Kiri Wagstaff

Computer Science Senior Instructor

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Create a competency-aware classifier for Mars data; Anomaly/novelty detection in planetary science images;  Explainable machine learning for science applications

2020 Slide Link


Tom Weller

School Head, Michael and Judith Gaulke Chair in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Reconfigurable microwave circuits, microwave applications of additive manufacturing and 3D printing, electromagnetic sensors, microwave circuit and antenna design, and equivalent circuit modeling


Meagan Wengrove

Assistant Professor of Civil & Construction Engineering

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Relationship between scales of sediment transport, large wave fumes, marsh restoration strategies. Using subsea fiber optic cables (think the cables that provide internet across the ocean and connect instrument platforms to shore) to measure ocean waves and currents.

2021 slide link


Richard E. Wirz

Executive Director of Aerospace Research Programs, Boeing Professor

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Advanced space propulsion - Air-breathing electric propulsion - Fusion energy - Plasma-material interactions - Plasma-medicine - Plasma devices and cathodes

2022 Slide Link


Eugene Zhang

Professor of Computer Science

[email protected]

Research Interests:

Visualization: earthquake, hurricane data; Geometry: shape matching, texture synthesis; Art: computer-generated painting and drawing; Animation: solid/fluid simulation Math visualization: a concept of your interest

2020 Slide Link