Stage One: Plan

In Stage 1, you will learn about the components of the thesis, discover some of the research and creative activity happening on campus and explore the Oregon State and HC resources available to you. You’ll consider how to fit the thesis into your Oregon State timeline and how the thesis can support your personal and professional goals. 
All students in the Honors College are required to register for and complete the one-credit HC 408: Stage 1 Plan course in their first year. Students transferring into the Honors College should complete the course in their first term. Registration information and the days and times of the HC 408: Stage 1 Plan sections can be found in the Oregon State Schedule of Classes.

Current HC students should visit the HC Academic Advising Canvas page for resources throughout the thesis process to support progress. 

Submitting Your Personalized Thesis Plan

Once you know which terms you're aiming to complete each stage of the TheSIS process, you will submit your personalized Thesis Plan to the HC—and remember, the plan can be updated as your thesis plans change.