Get ready to graduate!
Review these tips to streamline graduation. If you have any questions, please contact the HC advising office at 541-737-6414.
Verify you are on track for graduation: See your major and Honors College academic advisors to make sure you are on track for graduation.
Notify the HC of your graduation term: Automatic Institutional Awarding processes do not apply to Honors College students. You must inform an HC academic advisor of your graduation plans. It is recommended that you notify the HC at least three terms before you plan to graduate. It is your responsibility to notify an HC academic advisor if your planned graduation term changes.
Confirm your intended graduation term is officially noted in your MyDegrees notes. An example Institutional Awarding note would look like: "IASP24 - Institutional Awarding Spring 2024" or "IASU24 - Institutional Awarding Summer 2024." If you do not see this note contact an HC academic advisor.
Register for commencement: To participate in the OSU commencement ceremony register through MyOSU.
Purchase HC regalia: There is special attire for the OSU commencement ceremony that signify your achievement as an Honors College graduate. Information about the regalia, pricing, and when to pre-order can be found on our HC regalia page.
Thesis: Thesis documents (outlined in stage 4 thesis processes) are due no later than Friday, week 10 of your graduating term. Please refer to the Stage 4 steps in Canvas or on the Stage 4 website.
Submit photo, future plans and contact info to Alumni Gallery
Plan to attend the HC Graduation Celebration: For spring and summer term graduates, you will receive an email announcement with details in mid-April. For winter and fall term graduates, you will receive an email announcement with details in mid-November.