HC Research Opportunities
This offer is open ended.
- College of EngineeringElectrical Engineering and Computer ScienceProject Description:Sanghyun has been working on improving the safety and trustworthiness of (multi-modal) language models and their systems. Students are expected to work on developing auditing tools for assessing these problems, characterizing these vulnerabilities, and/or…
- OtherArts, Engineering, Environment, SocietyProject Description:Please check out the following initiative websites to learn more and get involved: dsi.oregonstate.edu, chetudell.com, open-sensing.org . DSI and the OPEnS lab have a broad variety of topics. My personal areas of interest are environmental sensing…
- College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric SciencesCEOAS / Oceanography and GlaciologyProject Description:Projects include the design and fabrication of environmental sensors, robotic and autonomous systems, and remotely operated vehicles. We also work in the field (on oceans and ice), and have data that can be explored for undergraduate theses in physics,…
- College of EngineeringElectrical and Computer EngineeringProject Description:We study the interaction between spin waves (magnetic waves) and acoustic waves for the development of new signal processing devices. I am looking for an ambitious and self-motivated student interested in developing computer models for these interactions…
- College of EngineeringElectrical Engineering and Computer ScienceProject Description:The Applied Magnetics Lab (https://magnetics.oregonstate.edu/) has a variety of opportunities for students to help with instrumentation, measurements and experiments on magnetic materials and devices for communications and computation. We can use students…
- College of EngineeringNuclear Science & EngineeringProject Description:
- College of EngineeringSchool of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing EngineeringProject Description:I’m looking for undergraduate researchers interested in building on previous year's URSA Engage students' results. They began determining what the State of the Art (SOTA) is in engineering education research within the realm of LGBTQIA+ and…
- College of EngineeringComputer ScienceProject Description:I work broadly on internet measurement for network security. Some recent interests include 5G networks, security economics, internet cartography, and client/server authentication. You can find more details on my research at https://zanema.com/research.…
- College of EngineeringNuclear Science & EngineeringProject Description:Opportunities for up to two students supporting ongoing research of structural steels in liquid metal or molten salt environments. Thesis projects may include: (A) Electrode design for chemistry monitoring in molten fluoride salt test systems; (B)…
- College of EngineeringProject Description:Multiple research opportunities are available on topics related to large language models (e.g., ChatGPT from OpenAI, llama-2 from Meta, and various other GPT variants). Example topics include: optimizing neural network architecture, improving computation…
- College of ScienceMicrobiologyProject Description:We study the genomes and metabolism of ocean microbes involved in the ocean carbon cycle.
- College of ScienceDepartment of ChemistryProject Description:Solid state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a spectroscopic method which enables analysis of materials and biological solids with element-specific and chemical-site specific information. The instrumentation for high resolution solid state NMR requires…
- College of HealthPhysical TherapyProject Description:I am available to mentor an Honors College student that is interested in getting involved in biomechanics research in the FORCE Laboratory at OSU-Cascades. I have two ongoing projects that investigate the effect of maximal running shoe design on running…
- College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric SciencesGeology and Geophysics, Water ResourcesProject Description:The first primary focus would be on the soils at the HJ Andrews Experimental forest, which was part to the recent Lookout fire. Here we we can provide an understand of how soils were functioning in second and old growth before the fire. We also have sites…
- College of EngineeringComputer ScienceProject Description:I look to sponsor Honors projects that have something to do with Computer Graphics. Within that broad domain, I am open to discussion about specific topics that pique your interest. However to do this, you must have taken, or be taking now, CS 450.
- College of EngineeringCBEEProject Description:Dr. Feng's research is focused on clean energy, particularly electrochemical energy storage and conversion devices such as battery, fuel cells and electrolyzes. Feng group is working on the electrode materials modification and design to increase the…
- College of HealthNutrition ProgramProject Description:We specialize in the following areas Bioactive milk peptides:
-identifying novel bioactive protein fragments—peptides—in human and bovine milk
-identifying which milk peptides are present across the digestive tract (infants and… - College of EngineeringSchool of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing EngineeringProject Description:The best place to learn more about the lab's work is our website: https://osusharelab.com/. We study assistive robots, haptics, and entertaining robotic systems.
- College of Agricultural SciencesFisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation SciencesProject Description:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ivan-Arismendi
https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=9UCD18UAAAAJ&hl=en - College of BusinessManagementProject Description:I study why people think, feel, and act the ways that they do, and how we can better manage ourselves, our relationships, and others to do and be the best we can. I focus on both practical applications (examined mainly through lab experiments) and…
- College of EngineeringElectrical Engineering and Computer ScienceProject Description:I work on building tools to find-out blind-spots of deep learning models such as ChatGPT. Please take a look at my recent papers for more details: https://sanghyun-hong.com/papers.html
- College of EngineeringSchool of EECSProject Description:I apply methods and principles of human-computer interaction to design and empirically evaluate approaches and techniques to support (a) computing and engineering education and (b) sports performance. Specific projects on interest include enhancing and…
- College of EngineeringOpenly Published Environmental Sensing LabProject Description:open-sensing.org - Opportunities for Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering: Electronic circuits, printed circuit boards, programming C/C++, sensors, MongoDB, MQTT, 3D printing, machine shop, product design, embedded systems.…
- College of Agricultural SciencesBiological and Ecological EngineeringProject Description:Developing novel environmental monitoring systems: Sensors, data loggers, power systems, cell-phone modems, and on-line data delivery systems. See Open-Sensing.org
- College of ForestryWood Science & EngineeringProject Description:I work in wood sculpture, wood aesthetics, wood microbiology, and wood anatomy. Website: https://www.northernspalting.com