HC faculty members who have taught an honors course within the last two years and current honors thesis mentors are listed below and updated once per term. If you’re interested in contacting an HC faculty member or mentor, you can search for them in the OSU Directory.

Spring 2022

Instructor Name

Instructor's Department

HC Course(s)

LeAnn Adam Honors College

HC 407 - Apply Here: National Awards, Fellowships, and More

Dennis Adams College of Business

HC 407 - Exploring the History of Commerce through Board Games

David Arnold SHPR HC 407 - Deep Wonder: Religion and Fantasy
Dan Arp Honors College HC 407 - How Morality Polarizes People
Beau Baca Honors College

HC 403 - Thesis Stage 4: Compose & Complete

Beau Baca Honors College

HC 408 - Thesis Stage 4: Compose & Complete

Beau Baca Honors College HC 408 - Thesis Stage 2: Explore & Build
LeeAnn Baker Honors College HC 408 - Thesis Stage 1: Plan
Richmond Barbour SWLF ENG 202H - Shakespeare
Elizabeth Barstow SHPR

HC 407 - The Handmaids Tale: Gender, Race, and Religion in Gilead

Elizabeth Barstow SHPR

HST/REL 378H - Religion and Gender: A Global Perspective

Michael Blouin Integrative Biology BI 311H - Genetics
Kathleen Bogart Psychology

PSY 460H - Advanced Social Research Methods

Viktor Bovbjerg Bio/Pop Health Sciences

HC 407 - Ecology, Sustainability, and Human Health

Clare Braun SWLF HC 407 - Lady Detectives
Micheal Burand Chemistry CH 263H - Laboratory for CH 233H
Michael Burgett Horticulture HC 408 - Thesis Stage 3: Commit
Michael Campana CEOAS
104 CEOAS Admin Bldg

GEOG 340H - Introduction to Water Science and Policy

David Cann MIME

HC 407 - Blinded by Science: Famous Cases of Fraud in Science

David Cann MIME

HC 407 - The Physics, Chemistry and Engineering of Color

Ha Yeon Cheong Chemistry CH 233H - Honors General Chemistry
Lynda Ciuffetti Honors College

HC 407 - Speaking Back to Hunger: The Role of Poetry in Addressing Food Insecurity

Richard Clinton Honors College HC 407 - A Recovery Plan for a Sick Society
Stella Coakley Honors College

HC 407 - Speaking Back to Hunger: The Role of Poetry in Addressing Food Insecurity

Anita Cservenka Psychology PSY 399H - The Neuroscience Toolbox
Daniele Di Lodovico SAC

ART 323H - Italian Renaissance Art and Architecture

Leanna Dillon Honors College HC 408 - Thesis Stage 1: Plan
Leanna Dillon Honors College HC 409 - Conversants
Leanna Dillon Honors College HC 409 - Civic Engagement
Leanna Dillon Honors College HC 409 - Civic Engagement
Tevian Dray Math
368 Kidder Hall
MTH 254H - Vector Calculus I
Rob Drummond SWLF

HC 407 - From Zombies to Preppers: America’s Obsession with Apocalypse

Emily Elbom SWLF WR 327H - Technical Writing
Sheila Evans PAC / Recreational Sports PAC 325H - Wilderness First Aid
Jeff Fearnside Honors College HC 407 - Creative Writing in Nature
Kimary Fick SAC HC 407 - Classical Music Portland Live
Rob Figueroa SHPR

PHL/REL 443H - World Views and Environmental Values

Mary Carmel Finley F&W

HC 407 - Resilience, the Personal and the Political

Kryn Freehling-Burton WGSS

WGSS 325H - Disney: Gender, Race, and Empire

Brian Fuller SPP HC 407 - Trolls, Haters and Online Violence
Elizabeth Gire Physics PH 211H - General Physics with Calculus
Margaret Haak Chemistry

HC 407 - STEM Outreach as Service Learning

Carmen Harjoe Integrative Biology BI 223H - Principles of Biology: Populations
Samantha Hatfield Honors College

ENSC 407H / HC 407 - Introduction to Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK)

Eric Hill Honors College HC 199 - Honors Writing
Eric Hill Honors College HC 407 - Writing About Film
Eric Hill Honors College HC 407 - Analyzing Humor
Eric Hill Honors College HC 408 - Thesis Stage 1: Plan
Kassena Hillman Honors College HC 408 - Thesis Stage 2: Explore & Build
Paul Hughes Food Science and Technology

HC 407 - The Evolving Role of Alcohol in Society

Michelle Inderbitzin SPP SOC 444H - Prisons and Communities
Korey Jackson Honors College

HC 407 - Publishing Underground: Publishing Technology and Radical Reform

Don Johnson Honors College HC 407 - Leadership and Positive Psychology
Torrey Johnson Math
368 Kidder Hall

MTH 231H - Elements of Discrete Mathematics

Torrey Johnson Math
368 Kidder Hall
MTH 264H - Introduction to Matrix Algebra
Torrey Johnson Math
368 Kidder Hall
MTH 265H - Introduction to Series
Jonathan Kalodimos College of Business BA 240H - Finance
Jonathan Kalodimos College of Business

BA 360H - Introduction to Financial Management

Andy Karplus BB HC 408 - Thesis Stage 2: Explore & Build
Nathan Kirk Integrative Biology BI 223H - Principles of Biology: Populations
Philipp Kneis Political Science

HC 407 - At Home in the World? The Politics of Global Citizenship

Philipp Kneis Political Science PS 375H - Civil Rights Movement and Policies
Youjin Kong SHPR PHL/REL 444H - Biomedical Ethics
Rebekah Lancelin Honors College HC 403 - Thesis Stage 3: Commit
Rebekah Lancelin Honors College HC 408 - Thesis Stage 1: Plan
Rebekah Lancelin Honors College HC 408 - Thesis Stage 3: Commit
Hiram Larew Honors College

HC 407 - Speaking Back to Hunger: The Role of Poetry in Addressing Food Insecurity

Jon Lewis SWLF

HC 407 - Road Trip to Nowhere: Hollywood Encounters the Counterculture

Sam Logan Bio/Pop Health Sciences

HC 407 - Toy-Based Technology for Children with Disabilities

Cari Maes SHPR

HST 106H - World History III: The Modern and Contemporary World

Axel Saenz Rodriguez Math
368 Kidder Hall
MTH 256H - Applied Differential Equations
Kelly McElroy OSU Libraries

HC 407 - Publishing Underground: Publishing Technology and Radical Reform

Kathryn McIntosh College of Education

ED 219H - Social Justice, Civil Rights and Multiculturalism

Lacey McNeely College of Business MGMT 364H - Project Management
Gary Micheau College of Business BA 357H - Operations Management
Randall Milstein Physics HC 407 - Comparative Planetology
John Morris College of Business BA 466H - Integrative Strategic Experience
Sandra Neubaum College of Business BA 162H - Innovation Nation - Ideas to Reality
Amy Neuman College of Business BA 162H - Innovation Nation - Ideas to Reality
Anthony Nix MIME ENGR 212H - Dynamics
Rajat Panwar College of Business BA 347H - International Business
Robin Pappas University Information and Technology, School of Writing, Literature, and Film

HC 407 - Science, Aesthetics, and the Invention of Altered States of Consciousness

Christine Pastorek Chemistry CH 463H - Experimental Chemistry II
V.T. Raja College of Business BA 270H - Business Process Management
Sandy Reece SLCS

ANTH 345H - Biological and Cultural Constructions of Race

Vincent Remcho Chemistry

HC 407 - Blinded by Science: Famous Cases of Fraud in Science

Vincent Remcho Chemistry

HC 407 - Earning Your Wings: Private Pilot Ground School

James Roberts SAC COMM 111H - Public Speaking
Matthew Robinson Bio/Pop Health Sciences

HC 407 - Advanced Topics in Bioenergetics and Application to Human Health and Disease

Skip Rochefort CBEE

HC 407 - STEM Outreach as Service Learning

Skip Rochefort CBEE HC 407 - Plastics for Poets
Diana Rohlman Bio/Pop Health Sciences HC 407 - Science, Ethics and Star Trek
Irene Rolston SLCS

ANTH 481H - Natural Resources and Community Values

Gregory Rorrer CBEE CHE 333H - Transport Phenomena III
Shanna Ruyle College of Business

HC 407 - Biomimicry: Wisdom and Inspiration from Nature to Solve Human Challenges

Dana Sanchez F&W

HC 299 - Oregon's Bats: Ecology, Engineering, Myths, & Management

Tom Scheuermann SLCS

HC 407 - The US Supreme Court: Exploring, Critically Analyzing, and Demystifying Selected Landmark Cases and Controversies

Guenter Schneider Physics PH 221H - Recitation for Physics 211
Bruce Seal OSU Cascades

HC 407 - Origins and Evolution of Plant and Animal Domestication

Albert Stetz Physics

PH 407H - The Physics and Philosophy of Time

Jason Stornelli College of Business MRKT 492H - Consumer Behavior
Karen Swanger Social & Behavioral Health Sciences

HC 407 - Experience Coaching in Youth Programs

Barb Taylor Honors College HC 407 - How Morality Polarizes People
Tenisha Tevis College of Education HC 407 - What is a Good Society?
Jeremy Townley Honors College HC 407 - What Is Creativity?
Jeremy Townley Honors College HC 408 - Thesis Stage 1: Plan
Sanjai Terrazas Tripathi College of Business BA 260H - Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Pam VanLonden EECS

CS 391H - Social and Ethical Issues in Computer Science

Winter 2022

Instructor Name

Instructor's Department

HC Course(s)

Dennis Adams College of Business

HC 407 - Exploring the History of Commerce through Board Games

Terri Anderson Sociology

HC 407 - The World Inside: Society and Emotions

Scott Ashford CCE HC 299 - Leadership: Two Perspectives
Stephen Atkinson Microbiology HC 407 - Have Rocket Will Travel
Beau Baca Honors College

HC 403 - Thesis Stage 4: Compose & Complete

Beau Baca Honors College HC 408 - Thesis Stage 1: Plan
First-Year Students, Last Name H-N
Beau Baca Honors College

HC 408 - Thesis Stage 4: Compose & Complete

Thomas Bahde Honors College

HC 407 - Historical Fictions and Fictional Histories

Thomas Bahde Honors College HC 407 - Creative Practice
LeeAnn Baker Honors College HC 408 - Thesis Stage 1: Plan
First-Year Students, Last Name H-N
Ravi Balasubramanian MIME

HC 407 - Re-Engineering the Human Body using Robotics

Natchee Barnd SLCS

ES 241H - Introduction to Native American Studies

Elizabeth Barstow SHPR

HC 407 - Race, White Supremacy, and the State of Oregon

Viktor Bovbjerg Bio/Pop Health Sciences H 100H - Introduction to Public Health
Clare Braun SWLF HC 407 - Lady Detectives
Michael Burand Chemistry CH 262H - Laboratory for Chemistry 232H
Timothy Burnett OSU Cascades HC 407 - Navigating Social Constructs
Bradley Camburn MIME ME 383H - Mechanical Component Design
John Campbell Honors College

HC 407 - Illegitimate Music: Improvisation and Original Instrumentation

David Cann MIME

HC 407 - Materials, Technology, and Human Civilization

Tom Carrico Honors College HC 407 - Imaging the Universe
Sara Clark Math
368 Kidder Hall
MTH 252H - Integral Calculus
Juli Coffman EECS
1148 Kelley Engineering Center
CS 325H - Analysis of Algorithms
Borbala Csillag College of Business

BA 354H - Managing Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

Joseph Davidson MIME ME 430H - System Dynamics and Control
Leanna Dillon Honors College HC 409 - Conversants
Leanna Dillon Honors College HC 409 - Civic Engagement
Leanna Dillon Honors College HC 409 - Civic Engagement
Toni Doolen Honors College HC 299 - Leadership: Two Perspectives
Rob Drummond SWLF

HC 407 - Because It's There (and looks fun): Survival as Entertainment

Tiah Edmunson-Morton OSU Libraries

HC 407 - The Hidden History of Women at Oregon State University

Gilad Elbom SWLF ENG 275H - The Bible as Literature
Gary Ferngren Honors College

HC 407 - God, Pain, and the Problem of Evil: An Introduction to CS Lewis

Kimary Fick SAC MUS 101H - Music Appreciation: A Survey
Alan Fudge College of Business BA 213H - Managerial Accounting
Kenneth Funk MIME HC 407 - Technology and the Good Life
Carmen Harjoe Integrative Biology BI 222H - Principles of Biology: Organisms
Carmen Harjoe Integrative Biology BI 370H - Ecology
Samantha Hatfield Honors College

ENSC 407H / HC 407 - Introduction to Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK)

Eric Hill Honors College HC 199 - Honors Writing
Eric Hill Honors College HC 407 - Semiotics
Eric Hill Honors College HC 407 - Translations
Eric Hill Honors College HC 407 - Writing About Music
Kassena Hillman Honors College HC 408 - Thesis Stage 1: Plan
First-Year Students, Last Name H-N
Kassena Hillman Honors College HC 408 - Thesis Stage 2: Explore & Build
Kassena Hillman Honors College HC 408 - Thesis Stage 2: Explore & Build
Kassena Hillman Honors College HC 408 - Thesis Stage 2: Explore & Build
Kenton Hokanson Biochemistry & Biophysics

BB 407H - Learn to Love Your Lying Eyes (and Brain)

Juan Hu Psychology PSY 202H - General Psychology
Juan Hu Psychology PSY 399H - Honors Psychology Research
Katherine Hubler SHPR HC 407 - The Holocaust in the Digital Age
Don Johnson Honors College HC 407 - Last Year Experience
Torrey Johnson Math
368 Kidder Hall
MTH 264H - Introduction to Matrix Algebra
Torrey Johnson Math
368 Kidder Hall
MTH 265H - Introduction to Series
Andy Karplus BB HC 408 - Thesis Stage 2: Explore & Build
Hoe Woon Kim Math
368 Kidder Hall
MTH 255H - Vector Calculus II
Nate Kirk Integrative Biology BI 222H - Principles of Biology: Organisms
Amy Koehlinger SHPR

HST/PHL/REL 210H - Religion in the United States

David Kovac Honors College

HC 407 - Cultural Considerations for International Service (Building Hope)

Marta Kunecka SHPR HC 407 - Philosophy and Happiness
Adam Lambert CBEE CBEE 212H - Energy Balances
Rebekah Lancelin Honors College HC 403 - Thesis Stage 3: Commit
Rebekah Lancelin Honors College HC 408 - Thesis Stage 3: Commit
Amila Liyanage Chemistry CH 362H - Experimental Chemistry I
Saskia Madlener SWLF WR 362H - Science Writing
Filix Maisch Math
368 Kidder Hall
MTH 256H - Applied Differential Equations
William Massey Bio/Pop Health Sciences HC 407 - Psychology of Personal Excellence
Jason McCarley Psychology PSY 340H - Cognitive Psychology
Randall Milstein Physics

HC 407 - Sacred Places and Links to Ancient Astronomy

Randall Milstein Physics HC 407 - The Science of Science Fiction
Randall Milstein Physics
301 Weniger Hall
PH 313H - Energy Alternatives
Sandra Neubaum College of Business

BA 161H - Innovation Nation - Awareness to Action

Amy Neuman College of Business

BA 161H - Innovation Nation - Awareness to Action

Andy Olstad College of Business BA 275H - Foundations of Statistical Inference
Andy Olstad College of Business BA 375H - Applied Quantitative Methods
Kevin Osterloh SHPR HST 101H - History of Western Civilization
Christine Pastorek Chemistry CH 462H - Experimental Chemistry II
Deborah Pence MIME ME/NSE 312H - Thermodynamics
Chris Petersen OSU Libraries

HC 407 - The Hidden History of Women at Oregon State University

Scott Peterson Math
368 Kidder Hall
MTH 252H - Integral Calculus
Scott Peterson Math
368 Kidder Hall
MTH 254H - Vector Calculus I
Weihong Qui Physics PH 213H - General Physics with Calculus
Dana Reason SAC HC 407 - Soundscape Ecology
Vincent Remcho Chemistry

HC 407 - Earning Your Wings: Private Pilot Ground School

Hannah Rempel OSU Libraries HC 407 - Learning Through Play
Ryann Reynolds-McIlnay College of Business BA 223H - Principles of Marketing
Ryann Reynolds-McIlnay College of Business BA 390H - Principles of Marketing
Linda Richards SHPR HSTS 417H - History of Medicine
Kara Ritzheimer SHPR HST/REL 425H - The Holocaust in its History
Skip Rochefort CBEE CHE 332H - Transport Phenomena II
Skip Rochefort CBEE HC 407 - Energy IQ
Diana Rohlman Bio/Pop Health Sciences HC 407 - Science, Ethics and Star Trek
David Roundy Physics PH 222H - Recitation for Physics 212
Melissa Santala MIME HC 407 - Materials, Art, & Culture
Guenter Schneider Physics PH 223H - Recitation for Physics 213
Susan Shaw WGSS WGSS 240H - Gender, Race, and Sport
Neal Sleszynski Chemistry CH 362H - Experimental Chemistry I
Raechel Soicher Psychology PSY 301H - Research Methods in Psychology
Brandy St. John SWLF HC 407 - Visual Rhetoric in Pop Music
Brandy St. John SWLF WR 121H - English Composition
Brandy St. John SWLF WR 327H - Technical Writing
Albert Stetz Physics

PH 407H - The Weird World of Quantum Mechanics

Susanne Stieger-Vanegas CCVM HC 408 - Thesis Stage 3: Commit
Jeremy Townley Honors College HC 407 - What Is Creativity?
Jeremy Townley Honors College HC 408 - Thesis Stage 1: Plan
First-Year Students, Last Name H-N
Chet Udell BEE HC 407 - Electric Nature
Louis Wojcinski Chemistry CH 232H - General Chemistry
Donald Zobel Botany and Plant Pathology BOT 499H - Poetry and Landscape

Fall 2021

Instructor Name

Instructor's Department

HC Course(s)

Dennis Adams


HC 407 - Exploring the History of Commerce through Board Games

Sourabh Apte


ME 373H - Mechanical Engineering Methods

Vipin Arora

Business BA 370H - Business Information Systems Overview

Dan Arp

Honors College

HC 407 - A Field to Fork View of Farming Systems in Oregon

Stephen Atkinson


HC 407 - Life: The Biosphere Through Space and Time

Meghna Babbar-Sebens

CCE ENGR 100H - The Oregon State Engineering Student
Beau Baca Honors College

HC 408- Stage 1: Plan

HC 408- Stage 4: Compose & Complete

Thomas Bahde

Honors College

HC 407 - Race and Science

LeeAnn Baker

Honors College

HC 409 - HC Peer Mentor Program

Pat Ball Honors College- Cascades HC 408 -  Stage 1: Plan

Eliza Barstow

School of History, Philosophy, and Religion

HC 407 - American Identity in the World

Ryan Biesack


MUS 102H - History of Rock & Roll

Terrence Blackburne

College of Business

BA 211H - Financial Accounting

Benita Blessing

World Languages & Cultures

HC 407 - Vampires, Race, and Gender

Ted Brekken


ENGR 100H - The Oregon State Engineering Student

Will Brown Education ED 216H - Purpose, Structure, & Function of Education in a Democracy

Michael Burand


CH 261H - Laboratory for Honors General Chemistry

Michael Burgett


HC 299 - Farside Entomology &
HC 408 - Thesis Stage 3: Commit

Molly Burke

Integrative Biology

BI 445H - Evolution

Courtney Campbell

History, Philosophy and Religion

HC 299 - Pandemics and Philosophies: Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Decides?

John Campbell

Honors College

HC 407 - Imaging the American West

David Cann


MATS 321H - Introduction to Materials Science

Tom Carrico

Honors College

HC 407 - Imaging the Universe

Francis Chan

Integrative Biology

HC 407 - Science and Solutions for a Hot, Sour, and Breathless Ocean

Frank Chaplen


ENGR 100H - The Oregon State Engineering Student

Samantha Chisholm- Hatfield Honors College  ENSC 407H / HC 407 - Introduction to Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK)

Doug Clark

Political Science

HC 407 - Migration and the Politics of Belonging

Sara Clark


MTH 251H - Differential Calculus

Eduardo Cotilla-Sanchez


ENGR 100H - The Oregon State Engineering Student

Paula de Szoeke


ENGR 100H - The Oregon State Engineering Student

Liz Delf

School of Writing, Literature, and Film

WR 121H - English Composition

Daniele Di Lodovico


HC 407 - Visual Culture and the Meaning Behind Images

Leanna Dillon

Honors College

HC 409 - Civic Engagement &
HC 409 - Conversants &
HC 408 -  Stage 1: Plan

Rob Drummond

School of Writing, Literature, and Film

HC 407 - The Truth Is Out There: The Rise of Conspiracy Theories 

Emily Elbom

School of Writing, Literature, and Film

WR 327H - Technical Writing

Neal Endacott

School of Language, Culture and Society

ANTH 330H- Evolution of People, Technology, and Society

Sheila Evans

Recreational Sports

PAC 325H - Wilderness First Aid

Gary Ferngren

Honors College HC 407 - God, Pain, and the Problem of Evil: An Introduction to CS Lewis

Kimary Fick

Honors College

HC 407 - Gender, Sexual Politics & Music: Case Studies in Musical Identity & Representation

Rob Figueroa

School of History, Philosophy, and Religion

PHL 205H - Ethics

Kevin Gable


CH 361H - Experimental Chemistry I

Emily Garcia Honors College HC 002 - HC Peer Mentor Program
Elizabeth Gire Physics PH 221H - Recitation for Physics 211

Kostas Goulas


CBEE 211H - Material Balances and Stoichiometry

Roy Haggerty


MTH 251H- Differential Calculus

Jacob Hamblin

Environmental Arts and Humanities

HC 407 - Dawn of the Anthropocene

Carmen Harjoe

Integrative Biology

BI 221H - Principles of Biology: Cells

Elizabeth Helman

Theatre Arts

HC 407 - Adaptation for the Stage

Eric Hill

Honors College

HC 199 - Honors Writing &
HC 407 - "The Play's the Thing": A Survey of Theater &
HC 407 - Writing About Music 

Kassena Hillman

Honors College

HC 408 - Thesis Stage 2: Explore & Build &
HC 408 - Stages 1: Plan

Kenton Hokanson

Biochemistry & Biophysics BB 407H - Learn to Love Your Lying Eyes (and Brain)

Christopher Hoyle


ME 382H - Introduction to Design
Juan Hu


PSY 201H -  General Psychology &

PSY 399H - Honors Psychology Research

Henri Jansen


PH 212H - General Physics with Calculus

Don Johnson

Honors College

HC 407 - Leadership and Positive Psychology

Matt Johnston


ENGR 100H - The Oregon State Engineering Student &

ENGR 201H - Electrical Fundamentals

Jonathan Kaplan

School of History, Philosophy, and Religion

HC 407 - Vampires, Race, and Gender &
PHL/REL 444H - Biomedical Ethics

Andy Karplus

Biochemistry & Biophysics

HC 408 - Thesis Stage 2: Explore & Build

Christine Kelly CBEE ENGR 100H - The Oregon State Engineering Student
Kristy Kelly Writing, Literature & Film HC 407 - Going Viral: Memes and Social Media in the Age of (Mis)Information &

WR 121H - English Composition

Matthew Kennedy

Animal & Rangeland Sciences

ANS 121H - Introduction to Animal Sciences

Sunil Khanna

Bio/Pop Health Sciences

H 333H - Global Public Health

Hoewoon Kim


MTH 254H - Vector Calculus I

Dave King

Honors College

HC 407 - Disruptive Innovation

Nathan Kirk

Integrative Biology

BI 221H - Principles of Biology: Cells

Philipp Kneis

Political Science

PS 315H - The Politics of Media: Cultural Representations of Politics

Jeffrey Knowles


ENGR 211H - Statics

David Kovac

Honors College

HC 299 - Internationalize Your HC Experience

Marta Kunecka

History, Philosophy, and Religion

HC 407 -  Philosophy and Happiness &

PHL 205H - Ethics

Kate Lajtha

Crop & Soil Science

BI 306H - Environmental Ecology

Rebekah Lancelin

Honors College

HC 408  - Stage 1: Plan

HC 403/ 408 - Thesis Stage 3: Commit

Jon Lewis

Writing, Literature, and Film

FILM 265H - Films for the Future

Sam Logan

Bio/Pop Health Sciences

HC 407 - Toy-Based Technology for Children with Disabilities

Filix Maisch


MTH 254H- Vector Calculus I

Andrea Marks


DSGN 341H - Design Thinking and Process Innovation &

HC 407 - The New Yorker Cartoons: History and Humor

Jason McCarley


HC 407 - Bulletproofing Your Research with Open Science Practices &

PSY 298H- Quantitative Methods in Psychological Science

Randy Milstein


HC 407 - Art of Science / Science of Art &
HC 407 - Crises, Catastrophes, and Cataclysms &
HC 407 - Science of Science Fiction

Tala Navab-Daneshmand


CHE 331H - Transport Phenomena I

Sandra Neubaum


BA 160H - B-Engaged

Amy Neuman


BA 160H - B-Engaged 

Andrew Olstad


HC 407 - How to be Less Wrong: A Study in Common Misconceptions

Christine Pastorek


CH 461H - Experimental Chemistry II & 

CH 464H - Experimental Chemistry II

Deborah Pence


ME/NSE 332H - Heat Transfer

Scott Peterson


MTH 252H - Integral Calculus

Vincent Remcho Chemistry HC 407 - Diagnosis, Stat:  An Introduction to Clinical Diagnostics
Susan Rodgers Honors College HC 408 - Stage 1: Plan

Diana Rohlman

Bio/Pop Health Sciences

HC 407 - Science, Ethics and Star Trek

David Roundy

Physics PH 222H - Recitation for Physics 212

Shanna Ruyle

College of Business

HC 407 - Circular Economy: A Framework for Responsible Design

Stuart Sarbacker

History, Philosophy, and Religion

PHL/REL 160H - Quests for Meaning: World Religion

Julianne Schutfort


CS 321H - Introduction to Theory of Computation

Inara Scott


BA 230H- Business Law I

Bruce Seal


HC 407 - History and Politics of Disease

Dawn Sherwood

Animal & Rangeland Sciences

ANS 121H - Introduction to Animal Sciences

Sheryl Spann


HC 407 - Experiential Marketing - Sports, Tourism & Performing Arts

Albert Stetz


PH 407H - The Mystery of Consciousness

Karen Swanger

Social & Behavioral Health Sciences

HC 407 - Coaching Youth Programs

Jeremy Townley

Honor College

HC 407- What Is Creativity? &

HC 408- Stage 1 : Plan

Chet Udell


HC 407 - Enchanted Objects:  Magic, Design, and Data

Kiri Wagstaff


HC 407: How to be Less Wrong: A Study in Common Misconceptions

Qi Zhang


BA 352H - Managing Individual and Team Performance

Tim Zuehlsdorff


CH 231H - Honors General Chemistry

Summer 2021

Instructor's Name Instructor's Department HC Course(s)
Eliza Barstow SHPR
322 Milam
HC 407-  The Handmaid's Tale: Gender, Race, and Religion in Gilead
Tom Carrico Physics
301 Weniger Hall
HC 407-  Imaging the Universe
Leanna Dillon Honors College HC 409- Civic Engagement
Eric Hill Honors College HC 199- Honors Writing 
Katherine Hubler SHPR
322 Milam
HC 407- The Holocaust in the Digital Age
Dana Reason

305 Community Hall

HC 407-  Soundscape Ecology
Inara Scott College of Business
443 Austin Hall
HC 407- The Art (and Science) of Storytelling
Maura Valentino Honors College HC 407-  Improving Communication and Group Work through Interactive Exercises and Improvisational Comedy Games

Spring 2021

Instructor's Name

Instructor's Department

HC Course(s)

LeAnn Adam

Honors College

HC 407- Apply Here: National Awards, Fellowships, and More

Dennis Adams

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

BA 240H- Finance

Beau Baca

Honors College

HC 408- Thesis Stage 4: Compose & Complete

Eliza Barstow

322 Milam

HC 407- The Handmaid's Tale

Tsipora Berman


PAC 293H- Interdisciplinary Yoga: Mindfulness Skills

Michael Blouin

Integrative Biology
3029 Cordley Hall

BI 311H- Genetics

Kathleen Bogart


PSY 460H- Advanced Social Research Methods

Viktor Bovbjerg

School of Biological and Population Health Sci

HC 407- and H: Human Health

Laurie Bridges

Libraries and Press

HC 407- Wikipedia and Information Equity

Micheal Burand

153 Gilbert Hall

CH 263H- Laboratory for CH 233H

Michael Burgett

Honors College

HC 408- Thesis Stage 3: Commit

Michael Campana

104 CEOAS Admin Bldg

GEOG 340H- Introduction to Water Science and Policy

Holly Campbell

Fisheries & Wildife

HC 407- John Steinbeck's Pacific

John Campbell

Honors College

HC 407- Imaging the American West

David Cann

204 Rogers Hall

HC 407- A World of Color: The Science and Engineering of Color

Tom Carrico

301 Weniger Hall

HC 407- Imaging the Universe

Marion Ceraso

Social and Behavioral Health Sciences

HC 407- What Makes Your Neighborhood Healthy: Investigating Policymaking in Action

Richard Clinton

Honors College

HC 407-A Recovery Plan for a S: Plan for a Sick Society

Daniele Di Lodovico


ART 323H- Italian Renaissance Art and Architecture

Leanna Dillon

Honors College

HC 409- Conversants & HC 409- Civic Engagement

Rob Drummond

238 Moreland

WR 224H- Introduction to Fiction Writing

Robert Drummond

238 Moreland

HC 407-From Zombies to Preppers:  America’s Obsession with Apocalypse

Emily Elbom

238 Moreland

WR 327H- Technical Writing

Sheila Evans

PAC / Rec Sports

PAC 325H- Wilderness First Aid

Jeff Fearnside

Honors College

HC 407- Exploring Art Through Creative Writing

Zhenxing Feng

116 Johnson Hall

ENGR 299H- From Lab to Industry: Electrochemical Energy Systems

Patricia Fifita

236 Waldo Hall

ANTH 383H- Introduction to Medical Anthropology

Kryn Freehling-Burton

252 Waldo Hall

WGSS 340H- Gender and Science

Kevin Gable

153 Gilbert Hall

CH 233H- Honors General Chemistry

Liz Gire

301 Weniger Hall

PH 211H- General Physics with Calculus

Margaret Haak

153 Gilbert Hall

HC 407- STEM Outreach as Service Learning

Carmen Harjoe

Integrative Biology
3029 Cordley Hall

BI 223H- Principles of Biology

Eric Hill

Honors College

HC 199- Honors Writing &

HC 407- Writing About Film &

HC 407- Analyzing Humor

Kassena Hillman

Honors College

HC 408- Thesis Stage 2: Explore & Build

Manuela Hoehn-Weiss

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

BA 260H- Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Trina Hogg

322 Milam

HST 106H-World History III: The Modern and Contemporary World

Satoris Howes

OSU Cascades

HC 407-Exploring Controversies and Debunking Myths in Psychology

Juan Hu


PSY 399H- Honors Psychology Research

Katie Hubler

322 Milam

HST 319H-The History of Human Rights in the Modern World

Don Johnson

Honors College

HC 407- Leadership and Positive Psychology

Torrey Johnson

368 Kidder Hall

MTH 264H- Introduction to Matrix Algebra &

MTH 265H- Introduction to Series

Andy Karplus

Honors College

HC 408- Thesis Stage 2: Explore & Build

Hoewoon Kim

368 Kidder Hall

MTH 256H- Applied Differential Equations

Nathan Kirk

Integrative Biology
3029 Cordley Hall

BI 223H- Principles of Biology

Amy Koehlinger

322 Milam

REL 210H- Religion in the United States

Marta Kunecka

322 Milam

HC 407- Philosophy of Happiness

Michelle Kutzler


HC 407- The Story of Dogs

Adam Lambert

116 Johnson Hall

CBEE 102H- Engineering Problem Solving and Computations

Rebekah Lancelin

Honors College

HC 403- Thesis Stage 3: Commit

David Lewis

236 Waldo Hall

ES 445H- Native American Science and Technology

Mei-Ching Lien


PSY 301H- Research Methods in Psychology

Sam Logan

Bio & Pop Health Sciences

HC 407- Toy-Based Technology for Children with Disabilities

Filix Maisch

368 Kidder Hall

MTH 231H- Elements of Discrete Mathematics

William Massey


KIN 370H- Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity

Phil McFadden

Biochemistry & Biophysics

BB 407H- Protein Portraits

David McIntyre

301 Weniger Hall

PH 221H- Recitation for Physics 211

Gary Micheau

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

BA 357H- Operations Management

Randall Milstein

301 Weniger Hall

HC 407- Principles of Comparative Planetology

John Morris

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

BA 466H- Integrative Strategic Experience

Allison Myers

Social and Behavioral Health Sciences

HC 407- What Makes Your Neighborhood Healthy: Investigating Policymaking in Action

Sandra Neubaum

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

BA 162H- Innovation Nation - Ideas to Reality

Kyle Niemeyer


ENGR 212H- Dynamics

Katelyn O'Brien

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

BA 162H- Innovation Nation - Ideas to Reality

Mike O'Malley

College of Education

ED 216H- Function of Education in Purpose: Function of Education in a Democracy

Diana Park

Libraries and Press

HC 407- Wikipedia and Information Equity

Christine Pastorek

153 Gilbert Hall

CH 463H- Experimental Chemistry II

Scott Peterson

368 Kidder Hall

MTH 254H- Vector Calculus I

Ehren Pflugfelder

238 Moreland

WR 362H- Science Writing

Zachary Price

238 Moreland

FILM 220H- Queer Cinema

Venkataramani Raja

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

BA 270H- Business Process Management

Skip Rochefort

116 Johnson Hall

HC 407- STEM Outreach as Service Learning &

HC 407- Plastics for Poets

Diana Rohlman

Bio/Pop Health Sci
101 Milam

HC 407- Science, Ethics and Star Trek &

HC 407- Science, Ethics and Star Trek: Continued

Greg Rorrer

116 Johnson Hall

CHE 333H- Transport Phenomena III

Shanna Ruyle

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

HC 407- Biomimicry: Wisdom and Inspiration From Nature to Solve Human Challenges

Stuart Sarbacker

322 Milam

HC 407- Human Technological Enhancement

Thomas Scheuermann

236 Waldo Hall

HC 407-  The United States Supreme Court: Exploring, Critically Analyzing, and Demystifying Selected Landmark Cases and Controversies

Bruce Seal

OSU Cascades

HC 407-Origins and Evolution of Plant and Animal Domestication

Noah Silva de Leonardi

Integrative Biology
3029 Cordley Hall

BI 223H- Principles of Biology

Ben Stenberg

322 Milam

PHL 205H- Ethics

Albert Stetz

301 Weniger Hall

PH 407H- The Physics and Philosophy of Time

Bo Sun

301 Weniger Hall

PH 223H- Recitation for Physics 213

Tenisha Tevis

College of Education

HC 407- What is a Good Society?

Jeremy Townley

Honors College

HC 407- What Is Creativity?

Pam VanLonden

1148 Kelley Engineering Center

CS 391H- Social and Ethical Issues in Computer Science

Megan Ward

238 Moreland

ENG 222H- Children's Literature

Rick Wascher

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

BA 347H- International Business

Ken Winograd

Honors College

HC 407-Climate Change and Its Challenges:  Responding with Resilience


Winter 2021

Instructor's Name

Instructor's Department

HC Course(s)

Christopher Akroyd

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

BA 213H- Managerial Accounting

David Arnold

322 Milam

PHL/REL 160H- Quests for Meaning: World Religions

Dan Arp

Honors College

HC 407- In Group Influence

Stephen Atkinson


HC 407- Have Rocket Will Travel

Beau Baca

Honors College

HC 408- Thesis Stage 4: Compose & Complete

Thomas Bahde

Honors College

HC 407- Historical Fictions and Fictional Histories

LeeAnn Baker

Honors College

HC 409- Professional & Career Development

Eliza Barstow

322 Milam

HC 407- Race, White Supremacy, and the State of Oregon

Tsipora Berman


PAC 293H- Interdisciplinary Yoga: Mindfulness Skills

Viktor Bovbjerg

Bio/Pop Health Sci
101 Milam

H 100H- Introduction to Public Health

Clare Braun

238 Moreland

HC 407- Murder, Mayhem, and Makeup: Lady Detectives on Page and Screen

Michael Burand

153 Gilbert Hall

CH 262H- Laboratory for Chemistry 232H

Brad Camburn

204 Rogers Hall

ME 383H- Mechanical Component Design

Courtney Campbell

322 Milam

HC 299- Pandemics, Plagues, and Philosophies: Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Decides?

Holly Campbell

Fisheries & Wildlife

HC 407- Reimagining the City

John Campbell

Honors College

HC 407- Found Objects: Material Culture, Meaning, and Memory

Tom Carrico

Honors College

HC 407- Imaging the Universe

Xiaohui Chang

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

BA 375H- Applied Quantitative Methods

Johnny Chen

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

BA 223H- Principles of Marketing

Samantha Chisholm Hatfield

Honors College

HC 407- TEK in Practice

Doug Clark

Political Science

HC 407- Migration and the Politics of Belonging

Sara Clark

368 Kidder Hall

MTH 252H- Integral Calculus

Joseph Davidson

204 Rogers Hall

ME 430H- System Dynamics and Control

Daniele Di Lodovico


HC 407- Visual Culture  and the Meaning Behind Images

Leanna Dillon

Honors College

HC 409- Conversants; HC 409- Civic Engagement

Robert Drummond

Honors College

HC 407- Folly’s Mirror: The Power and Reach of  Contemporary Satire

Tiah Edmunson-Morton


HC 407- The Hidden History of Women at OSU

Emily Elbom

238 Moreland

WR 327H- Technical Writing

Gary Ferngren

Honors College

HC 407- God, Pain, and the Problem of Evil: An Introduction to CS Lewis

Kimary Fick


MUS 101H- Music Appreciation: A Survey

Rob Figueroa

322 Milam

PHL/REL 443H- World Views and Environmental Values

Michael Floyd

252 Waldo Hall

WGSS 325H- Disney: Gender, Race, and Empire

Kaitlin Fogg

116 Johnson Hall

CBEE 212H- Energy Balances

Kenneth Funk

204 Rogers Hall

HC 407- Technology and the Good Life

Kevin Gable

153 Gilbert Hall

CH 362H- Experimental Chemistry I

Liz Gire

301 Weniger Hall

PH 223H- Recitation for Physics 213

Carmen Harjoe

Integrative Biology
3029 Cordley Hall

BI 222H- Principles of Biology: Organisms; BI 370H- Ecology

Ross Hatton

204 Rogers Hall

ME 317H- Intermediate Dynamics

Eric Hill

Honors College

HC 199- Honors Writing &

HC 407- Semiotics &

HC 407- Translations

Kassena Hillman

Honors College

HC 408- Thesis Stage 2: Explore & Build

Juan Hu


PSY 202H- General Psychology &

PSY 399H- Honors Psychology Research

Katherine Hubler

322 Milam

HC 407- The Holocaust in the Digital Age

Korey Jackson

Honors College

HC 407- Publishing Underground: A History of Publishing Technology and Radical Movements

Don Johnson

Honors College

HC 407- Last Year Experience

Torrey Johnson

368 Kidder Hall

MTH 264H- Introduction to Matrix Algebra & MTH 265H- Introduction to Series

Andy Karplus

Honors College

HC 408- Thesis Stage 2: Explore & Build

Kristy Kelly

238 Moreland

WR 121H- English Composition

Hoewoon Kim

368 Kidder Hall

MTH 255H- Vector Calculus II

Nate Kirk

Integrative Biology
3029 Cordley Hall

BI 222H- Principles of Biology: Organisms

Philipp Kneis

Political Science

PS 366H- From Atlantis to Utopia: The Politics of the Ideal State

Youjin Kong

322 Milam

PHL/REL 444H- Biomedical Ethics

Dave Kovac

Honors College

HC 299- Building Hope: International Service Learning - Impact

Rebekah Lancelin

Honors College

HC 408- Thesis Stage 3: Commit

Jon Lewis

238 Moreland

FILM 245H- The New American Cinema

Jim Liburdy

204 Rogers Hall

ME/NSE 331H- Introductory Fluid Mechanics

Sam Logan

Bio & Pop Health Sciences

HC 407- Toy-Based Technology for Children with Disabilities

Marilyn Mackiewicz

153 Gilbert Hall

CH 232H- General Chemistry

Filix Maisch

368 Kidder Hall

MTH 256H- Applied Differential Equations

Andrea Marks

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

HC 407- The New Yorker Cartoons: History and Humor

Jason McCarley


PSY 298H- Quantitative Methods in Psychological Science &

PSY 340H- Cognitive Psychology

Kelly McElroy


HC 407- Publishing Underground: A History of Publishing Technology and Radical Movements

Randall Milstein

301 Weniger Hall

HC 407- Sacred Places and Links to Ancient Astronomy &

HC 407- Science of Science Fiction &

PH 313H- Energy Alternatives

Ethan Minot

301 Weniger Hall

PH 222H- Recitation for Physics 212

Amir Nayyeri

1148 Kelley Engineering Center

CS 325H- Analysis of Algorithms

Sandra Neubaum

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

BA 161H- Innovation Nation - Awareness to Action

Katelyn O'Brien

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

BA 161H- Innovation Nation - Awareness to Action

Andrew Olstad

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

BA 275H- Foundations of Statistical Inference

Matthew Orr

OSU Cascades

HC 407- Science, Religion, and Sustainability

Robin Pappas

Information & Technology

HC 407- Science, Aesthetics, and the Invention of Altered States of Consciousness

Christine Pastorek

153 Gilbert Hall

CH 462H- Experimental Chemistry II

Christoffer Petersen


HC 407- The Hidden History of Women at OSU

Scott Peterson

368 Kidder Hall

MTH 252H- Integral Calculus

Weihong Qui

301 Weniger Hall

PH 213H- General Physics with Calculus

Dana Reason


HC 407- Soundscape Ecology: A Sound-Driven Exploration of the Natural World Using Creative Applications for Data Analysis, and More.

Vincent Remcho

153 Gilbert Hall

HC 407- Earning Your Wings: Private Pilot Ground School

Hannah Rempel


HC 407- Learning Through Play

Linda Richards

322 Milam

HSTS 417H- History of Medicine

Skip Rochefort

116 Johnson Hall

CHE 332H- Transport Phenomena II &

HC 407- Energy IQ: The Changing Energy Landscape

Betsy Rock

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

BA 354H- Managing Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

Dan Rockwell

368 Kidder Hall

MTH 254H- Vector Calculus I

Diana Rohlman

Bio/Pop Health Sci
101 Milam

HC 407- Science, Ethics and Star Trek

Irene Rolston

236 Waldo Hall

ANTH 481H- Natural Resources and Community Values

Noah Silva de Leonardi

Integrative Biology
3029 Cordley Hall

BI 222H- Principles of Biology: Organisms

Rorie Solberg

Political Science

PS 110H- Governing After the Zombie Apocalypse

Albert Stetz

301 Weniger Hall

PH 407H- The Weird World of Quantum Mechanics

Susanne Stieger-Vanegas

Honors College

HC 408- Thesis Stage 3: Commit

Robert Thompson

236 Waldo Hall

ES 223H- Survey of African American Studies II

Jeremy Townley

Honors College

HC 407- People Like Us: Social Class in America; HC 407- What Is Creativity?

Chet Udell

Biological & Ecological Engineering

HC 407- Enchanted Objects:  Magic, Design, and Data


Fall 2020


Instructor Name

Instructor's Department

HC Course(s)

Vipin Arora

College of Business

443 Austin Hall

BA 370H - Business Information Systems Overview

Stephen Atkinson


HC 407 - Life - The Biosphere Through Space and Time

Beau Baca

Honors College

HC 408 - Thesis Stage 4: Compose & Complete

Thomas Bahde

Honors College

HC 407 - Race and Science

LeeAnn Baker

Honors College

HC 002 - HC Peer Mentor Program & HC 409 - HC Peer Mentor Program

Eliza Barstow

322 Milam

HC 407 - American Identity in the World

Mary Beisiegel

368 Kidder Hall

MTH 251H - Differential Calculus

Tsipora Berman


PAC 293H - Interdisciplinary Yoga: Mindfulness Skills

Ryan Biesack


MUS 102H - History of Rock & Roll

Terrence Blackburne

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

BA 211H - Financial Accounting

Benita Blessing

322 Milam

HC 407 - Vampires, Race, and Gender

Clare Braun

238 Moreland

HC 407 - Lady Detectives &
WR 121H - English Composition

Michael Burand

153 Gilbert Hall

CH 261H - Laboratory for Honors General Chemistry

Michael Burgett


HC 299 - Farside Entomology &
HC 408 - Thesis Stage 3: Commit

Molly Burke

Integrative Biology
3029 Cordley Hall

BI 445H - Evolution

Holly Campbell

Fisheries & Wildife

HC 407 - Exploring the Oceans, Then and Now

John Campbell

Honors College

HC 407 - Illegitimate Music: Improvisation and Original Instrumentation

David Cann

204 Rogers Hall

MATS 321H - Introduction to Materials Science

Tom Carrico

Honors College

HC 407 - Imaging the Universe

Samantha Chisholm Hatfield

Honors College

ENSC 407H / HC 407 - Introduction to Traditional Ecological Knowledge &
HC 407 - Native American Perspectives

Sara Clark

368 Kidder Hall

MTH 251H - Differential Calculus

Anita Cservenka


PSY 399H - The Neuroscience Toolbox

Elizabeth Delf

238 Moreland

WR 121H - English Composition

Leanna Dillon

Honors College

HC 408 - Thesis: First-Year Resources and Thesis Jumpstart & HC 409 - Conversants

Andy Dong

204 Rogers Hall

ME 382H - Introduction to Design

Patrick Donnelly

OSU Cascades

HC 407 - Introduction to Undergraduate Research

Robert Drummond

238 Moreland

HC 407 - The Truth Is Out There: The Rise of Conspiracy Theories

Itamar Dubinsky

322 Milam

HST 385H - The Arab-Israeli Conflict

Emily Elbom

238 Moreland

WR 327H - Technical Writing

Gilad Elbom

238 Moreland

ENG 275H - The Bible as Literature &
HC 407 - Robots and Romance

Neal Endacott

236 Waldo Hall

ANTH 330H - Evolution of People, Technology, and Society

Sheila Evans


PAC 325H - Wilderness First Aid

Daniel Faltesek


NMC 101H - Introduction to New Media Communications

Kimary Fick

SAC / Honors College

HC 407 - Gender, Sexual Politics, and Music:  Case Studies in Musical Identity and Representation

Mary Carmel Finley

Honors College

HC 407 - Resilience, the Personal and the Political

Kevin Gable

153 Gilbert Hall

CH 361H - Experimental Chemistry I

Konstantinos Goulas

116 Johnson Hall

CBEE 211H - Material Balances and Stoichiometry

Kimberly Gratz

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

BA 281H - Professional Development

Roy Haggerty

368 Kidder Hall

MTH 251H - Differential Calculus

Jacob Hamblin

322 Milam

HC 407 - Dawn of the Anthropocene

Carmen Harjoe

Integrative Biology
3029 Cordley Hall

BI 221H - Principles of Biology: Cells

Elizabeth Helman


HC 407 - Adaptation for the Stage

Eric Hill

Honors College

HC 199 - Honors Writing &
HC 407 - Writing About Music &
HC 407 - "The Play's the Thing": A Survey of Theater

Kassena Hillman

Honors College

HC 408 - Thesis Stage 2: Explore & Build &
HC 408 - Accelerated Thesis: Stages 1 & 2 for Transfer students

Kenton Hokanson

Biochemistry & Biophysics

BB 407H - Learn to Love Your Lying Eyes (and Brain)

Demian Hommel

CEOAS Geography

GEOG 300H - Sustainability for the Common Good

Juan Hu


PSY 201H - General Psychology &
PSY 399H - Honors Psychology Research

Henri Jansen

301 Weniger Hall

PH 212H - General Physics with Calculus

Tim Jensen

238 Moreland

WR 121H - English Composition

Don Johnson

Honors College

HC 407 - Leadership and Positive Psychology &
HC 407 - Contemporary Questions

Matthew Johnston

1148 Kelley Engineering Center

ENGR 201H - Electrical Fundamentals I

Jonathan Kaplan

322 Milam

HC 407 - Vampires, Race, and Gender &
PHL/REL 444H - Biomedical Ethics

Andy Karplus

Honors College

HC 408 - Thesis Stage 2: Explore & Build

Matthew Kennedy


ANS 121H - Introduction to Animal Sciences

Sunil Khanna

Bio/Pop Health Sci
101 Milam

H 333H - Global Public Health

David King

Honors College

HC 407 - Disruptive Innovation: Can You Disrupt from Within?

Nathan Kirk

Integrative Biology
3029 Cordley Hall

BI 221H - Principles of Biology: Cells

Dave Kovac

Honors College

HC 299 - Building Hope: International Service Learning - Culture

Marta Kunecka

322 Milam

HC 407 - Philosophy of Happiness

Kate Lajtha

Crop and Soil Science

BI 306H - Environmental Ecology

Rebekah Lancelin

Honors College

HC 408 - Thesis Stage 3: Commit

Mike Lerner

153 Gilbert Hall

CH 231H - Honors General Chemistry

Jon Lewis

238 Moreland

HC 407 - Road Trip to Nowhere: Hollywood Encounters the Counterculture

Deanna Lloyd

Crop and Soil Science

SUS 331H - Sustainability, Justice, and Engagement

Sam Logan

Bio/Pop Health Sci
101 Milam

HC 407 - Toy-Based Technology for Children with Disabilities

Paul Lorenzini

Honors College

HC 407 - Humanizing Science

Nordica MacCarty

204 Rogers Hall

MIME 101H - Introduction to MIME

Filix Maisch

368 Kidder Hall

MTH 254H - Vector Calculus I

Kenneth Martin

220 Owen Hall

ENGR 211H - Statics

Brenda McComb

Honors College

HC 407 - Fur, Feathers and Fire: Wildlife Persistence in Fire-Prone Forests

Randall Milstein

301 Weniger Hall

HC 407 - The Science of Art - The Art of Science &
HC 407 - Science of Science Fiction &
HC 407 - Crises, Catastrophes, and Cataclysms in Earth History: It's All Fun and Games Until Your Planet Blows Up

Ben Mutschler

322 Milam

HST 201H - History of the United States

Lee Myers

College of Business

443 Austin Hall

BA 352H - Managing Individual and Team Performance

Sandra Neubaum

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

BA 160H - B-Engaged

Katelyn O'Brien

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

BA 160H - B-Engaged

Andy Olstad

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

HC 407 - A Data Geek's Guide to the 2020 Elections

Mike O'Malley

College of Education

ED 216H - Purpose, Structure, & Function of Education in a Democracy

Jennifer Parham-Mocello

1148 Kelley Engineering Center

CS 160H - Computer Science Orientation

Christine Pastorek

153 Gilbert Hall

CH 461H - Experimental Chemistry II &
CH 464H - Experimental Chemistry II

Deborah Pence

204 Rogers Hall

ME/NSE 311H - Introduction to Thermal-Fluid Sciences

Scott Peterson

368 Kidder Hall

MTH 252H - Integral Calculus

Vincent Remcho

153 Gilbert Hall

HC 407 - Diagnosis, Stat:  An Introduction to Clinical Diagnostics

Skip Rochefort

116 Johnson Hall

CBEE 101H - CHE, BIOE and ENVE Orientation

Daniel Rockwell

368 Kidder Hall

MTH 254H - Vector Calculus I

Diana Rohlman

Bio/Pop Health Sci
101 Milam

HC 407 - Science, Ethics and Star Trek

David Roundy

301 Weniger Hall

PH 222H - Recitation for Physics 212

Shanna Ruyle

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

DSGN 341H - Design Thinking and Process Innovation &
HC 407 - Circular Economy: A Framework for Responsible Design

Guenter Schneider

301 Weniger Hall

PH 221H - Recitation for Physics 211

Julianne Schutfort

1148 Kelley Engineering Center

CS 321H - Introduction to Theory of Computation

Bruce Seal

OSU Cascades

HC 407 - Politics of Diseases

Dawn Sherwood


ANS 121H - Introduction to Animal Sciences

Noah Silva de Leonardi

Integrative Biology
3029 Cordley Hall

BI 221H - Principles of Biology: Cells

William Smart

204 Rogers Hall

HC 407 - Understanding the Robotics Revolution

Albert Stetz

301 Weniger Hall

PH 407H - The Mystery of  Consciousness

Karen Swanger

Honors College

HC 407 - Coaching for Youth Programs

Jeremy Townley

Honors College

HC 407 - What Is Creativity?

Ray Tricker

Honors College

HC 407 - Drug Abuse and Misuse: a Global Perspective

Ken Winograd

Honors College

HC 407 - Climate Change and Its Challenges:  Responding with Resilience in Community

Summer 2020

Instructor Name

Instructor's Department

HC Course(s)

Eliza Barstow

322 Milam

HC 407 - White Supremacy and Oregon

Tom Carrico

Honors College

HC 407 - Imaging the Universe

Samantha Chisholm Hatfield

Honors College

ENSC 407H / HC 407 - Introduction to Traditional Ecological Knowledge

Leanna Dillon

Honors College

HC 409 - Civic Engagement

Katherine Hubler

322 Milam

HC 407 - The Holocaust in the Digital Age

Paul Hughes

Food Science and Technology

HC 407 - The Evolving Role of Alcohol in Society

Marta Kunecka

322 Milam

HC 407 - Philosophy of Happiness

Inara Scott

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

HC 407 - The Art (and Science) of Storytelling

Maura Valentino

Honors College

HC 407 - Improving Communication & Group Work through Interactive Exercises and Improvisational Comedy Games

Spring 2020

Instructor Name

Instructor's Department

HC Course(s)

Liney Arnadottir

116 Johnson Hall

CHE 333H - Transport Phenomena III

Jeffrey Barden

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

BA 466H - Integrative Strategic Experience

Eliza Barstow

322 Milam

HC 407 - The Handmaids Tale: Gender, Race, and Religion in Gilead

Tsipora Claudia Berman


123 Langton Hall

PAC 293H - Interdisciplinary Yoga: Mindfulness

Ryan Biesack

101 Benton Hall

MUS 102H - Reggae: A History of Jamaican Music

Michael Blouin

Integrative Biology
3029 Cordley Hall

BI 311H - Genetics

Nabil Boudraa

236 Waldo Hall

WLC 429H - French Society Through Its Cinema

Viktor Bovbjerg

School of Biological and Population Health Sci

HC 407 - Ecology, Sustainability, and Human Health

Susanne Brander

Environmental & Molecular Toxicology

1007 Ag and Life Science Bldg

HC 407 - Humans and the Ocean

Clare Braun

238 Moreland

HC 407 - Lady Detectives

Laurie Bridges

Libraries and Press

HC 407 - Wikipedia: Universally Shared, Edited by Whom?

Micheal Burand

153 Gilbert Hall

CH 263H - Laboratory for CH 233H

Michael Burgett

Honors College

HC 408 - Thesis Stage 3: Commit

Michael Campana

104 CEOAS Admin Bldg

GEOG 340H - Introduction to Water Science and Policy

Holly V Campbell

Honors College

HC 407 - John Steinbeck's Pacific

John Campbell

Honors College

HC 407 - Imaging the American West

David Cann

204 Rogers Hall

HC 407 - Exploring the Crystalline World

Tom Carrico

Honors College

HC 407 - Imaging the Universe

Mina Carson

322 Milam

HSTS 440H - History of Psychotherapy

Xiaohui Chang

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

BA 275H - Foundations of Statistical Inference

Adam Chouinard

Integrative Biology
3029 Cordley Hall

BI 213H - Principles of Biology

Douglas Clark

Honors College

HC 407 - Migration and the Politics of Belonging

Sara Clark

368 Kidder Hall

MTH 254H - Vector Calculus I

Richard Clinton

Honors College

HC 407 - A Recovery Plan for a Sick Society

Sharyn Clough

322 Milam

PAX 415H - Peace Literacy

Brigitte Cluver

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

DSGN 341H - Design Thinking and Process Innovation

Leanna Dillon

Honors College

HC 409 - Conversants &
HC 409 - Civic Engagement

Rob Drummond

238 Moreland

WR 224H - Introduction to Fiction Writing &
HC 407 - From Zombies to Preppers:  America’s Obsession with Apocalypse

Emily Elbom

238 Moreland

WR 327H - Technical Writing

Jeff Fearnside

Honors College

HC 407 - Creative Writing in Nature

Gary Ferngren

322 Milam

HC 407 - God, Pain, and the Problem of Evil: An Introduction to C.S. Lewis

Rob Figueroa

322 Milam

PHL/REL 443H - World Views and Environmental Values

Kiel Fletcher

OSU Cascades - Art

ART 399H - Speculating Futures

Joseph Floyd

252 Waldo Hall

WGSS 325H - Disney: Gender, Race, and Empire

Kenneth Funk


 204 Rogers Hall

HC 407 - Technology and the Good Life

Kevin Gable

153 Gilbert Hall

CH 233H - Honors General Chemistry

Elizabeth Gire

301 Weniger Hall

PH 221H - Recitation for Physics 211

Jenna Goldsmith

OSU Cascades - Art

ART 399H - Speculating Futures

Margaret Haak

153 Gilbert Hall

HC 407 - STEM Outreach as Service Learning

Lorie Hancock

OSU Cascades - Business

HC 407 - Legal Marijuana: A Myth?

Carmen Harjoe

Integrative Biology
3029 Cordley Hall

BI 213H - Principles of Biology

Eric Hill

Honors College

HC 199 - Honors Writing &
HC 407 - Shakespeare via Ashland &
HC 407 - Analyzing Humor

Kassena Hillman

Honors College

HC 408 - Thesis Stage 2: Explore & Build

Manuela Hoehn-Weiss

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

BA 260H - Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Danielle Holtz

Center for the Humanities

HC 407 - Citizenship: US History, Politics, Law, & Society

Paul Hughes

Food Science and Technology
100 Wiegand Hall

HC 407 - The Evolving Role of Alcoholic Drinks in Society

Don Johnson

Honors College

HC 407 - Leadership and Positive Psychology

Andy Karplus

Biochemistry & Biophysics
2011 Ag and Life Sci Bldg

HC 408 - Thesis Stage 2: Explore & Build

Hoewoon Kim

368 Kidder Hall

MTH 256H - Applied Differential Equations

Nathan Kirk

Integrative Biology
3029 Cordley Hall

BI 213H - Principles of Biology

Youjin Kong

322 Milam

PHL/REL 444H - Biomedical Ethics

David Kovac

Honors College

HC 299 - Building Hope: International Service Learning - Team

Marta Kunecka

322 Milam

HC 407 - Philosophy of Happiness

Kate Lajtha

Crop & Soil Science
Crop Science Bldg 109

BI 306H - Environmental Ecology

Adam Lambert

116 Johnson Hall

CBEE 102H - Engineering Problem Solving and Computations

Rebekah Lancelin

Honors College

HC 408 - Thesis Stage 3: Commit

Rebekah Lancelin

Honors College

HC 409 - Internships

Rena Lauer

322 Milam

HST 105H - World History II: Middle and Early Modern Ages

Davide Lazzati

301 Weniger Hall

PH 211H - General Physics with Calculus

Amila Liyanage

153 Gilbert Hall

CH 463H - Experimental Chemistry II

Sam Logan

Bio/Pop Health Sci
101 Milam

HC 407 - Toy-Based Technology for Children with Disabilities

Filix Maisch

368 Kidder Hall

MTH 231H - Elements of Discrete Mathematics

Natasha Mallette

116 Johnson Hall

CBEE 102H - Engineering Problem Solving and Computations

Ben Mason

Honors College

HC 408 - Thesis Stage 4: Compose & Complete

Phil McFadden

Biochemistry & Biophysics
2011 Ag and Life Sci Bldg

BB 407H - Protein Portraits

David McIntyre

301 Weniger Hall

PH 221H - Recitation for Physics 211

Randy Milstein

301 Weniger Hall

HC 407 - Principles of Comparative Planetology

Sandra Neubaum

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

BA 162H - Innovation Nation - Ideas to Reality

Amy Neuman

College of Business

443 Austin Hall

BA 162H - Innovation Nation - Ideas to Reality

Christopher Nichols

Center for the Humanities

HC 407 - Citizenship: US History, Politics, Law, & Society

Mike O'Malley

College of Education
104 Furman Hall

ED 216H - Purpose, Structure, and Function of Education in a Democracy

Iyunolu Osagie

238 Moreland

ENG 211H - Literature of the World: Africa

Robin Pappas

Center for Teaching & Learning
419 LINC

HC 407 - Science, Aesthetics, and the Invention of Altered States

Diana Park

Libraries and Press

HC 407 - Wikipedia: Universally Shared, Edited by Whom?

Christine Pastorek

153 Gilbert Hall

CH 463H - Experimental Chemistry II

Ted Paterson

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

BA 354H - Managing Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

Venkataramani Raja

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

BA 270H - Business Process Management

Skip Rochefort

153 Gilbert Hall

HC 407 - STEM Outreach as Service Learning

Skip Rochefort

116 Johnson Hall

HC 407 - Plastics for Poets

Dan Rockwell

368 Kidder Hall

MTH 264H - Introduction to Matrix Algebra &
MTH 265H - Introduction to Series

Diana Rohlman

Bio/Pop Health Sci
101 Milam

HC 407 - Science, Ethics and Star Trek

Irene Rolston

236 Waldo Hall

ANTH 481H - Natural Resources and Community Values

Shanna Ruyle

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

HC 407 - Biomimicry: Wisdom and Inspiration from Nature to Solve Human Challenges

Geunter Schneider

301 Weniger Hall

PH 223H - Recitation for Physics 213

Milena Simeonova

Honors College

HC 407 - Lighting for Human Wellbeing

Nancy Squires

204 Rogers Hall

HC 407 - Advancing Our Knowledge of Earth and Beyond:  Satellite Missions

Albert Stetz

301 Weniger Hall

PH 407H - The Physics and Philosophy of Time

Tenisha Tevis

College of Education
104 Furman Hall

HC 407 - What is a Good Society?

Jeremy Townley

Honors College

HC 407 - People Like Us:  Social Class in America

Ray Tricker

Honors college

HC 407 - Addiction in Modern Society

Pam Van Londen

1148 Kelley Engineering Center

CS 391H - Social and Ethical Issues in Computer Science


Winter 2020

Instructor Name

Instructor's Department

HC Course(s)

Sourabh Apte

204 Rogers Hall

ME 373H - Mechanical Engineering Methods

Dan Arp

Honors College

HC 407 - How Your 'In' Group Influences You

Stephen Atkinson

220 Nash Hall

HC 407 - Life - The Biosphere through space and time

Thomas Bahde

Honors College

HC 407 - Historical Fictions and Fictional Histories

LeeAnn Baker

Honors College

HC 409 - Professional & Career Development

Eliza Barstow

322 Milam

PHL/REL 160H - Quests for Meaning: World Religions &
HC 407 - White Supremacy and the State of Oregon

Tsipora Claudia Berman

123 Langton Hall

PAC 293H - Interdisciplinary Yoga: Mindfulness

Viktor Bovbjerg

Bio/Pop Health Sci
101 Milam

H 100H - Introduction to Public Health

Clare Braun

238 Moreland

WR 121H - English Composition

Tekla Bude

238 Moreland

ENG 202H - Shakespeare

Michael Burand

153 Gilbert Hall

CH 262H - Laboratory for Chemistry 232H

Kathryn Burton

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

DSGN 244H - Color Innovation

DeMara Cabrera

Theatre Arts
141 Withycombe Hall

TA 360H - Multicultural American Theatre

Courtney Campbell

322 Milam

HC 299 - The Art of Healing

Holly Campbell

Honors College

HC 407 - Reimagining the City

John Campbell

Honors College

HC 407 - Found Objects: Material Culture, Meaning, and Memory

Tom Carrico

Honors College

HC 407 - Imaging the Universe

Adam Chouinard

Integrative Biology
3029 Cordley Hall

BI 212H - Principles of Biology

Doug Clark

Honors College

PS 375H - Civil Rights Movement and Policies

Steve Cook

104 CEOAS Admin Bldg

GEOG 300H - Sustainability for the Common Good

David Craig

301 Weniger Hall

PH 213H - General Physics with Calculus

Leanna Dillon

Honors College

HC 409 - Conversants &
HC 409 - Civic Engagement

Shannon Dolan

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

BA 213H - Managerial Accounting

Toni Doolen

Honors College

HC 299 - Leadership: Two Perspectives

Rob Drummond

238 Moreland

HC 407 - Folly’s Mirror: The Power and Reach of  Contemporary Satire

Tiah Edmunson-Morton

121 The Valley Library

HC 407 - The Hidden History of Women at OSU

Emily Elbom

238 Moreland

WR 327H - Technical Writing

Sheila Evans

Recreational Sports
204 Dixon Rec Center

PAC 325H - Wilderness First Aid

Gary Ferngren

322 Milam

HC 407 - God, Pain, and the Problem of Evil: An Introduction to C.S. Lewis

Kimary Fick

Honors College

MUS 101H - Music Appreciation: A Survey

Kryn Freehling-Burton

252 Waldo Hall

WGSS 340H - Gender and Science

Kenneth Funk

204 Rogers Hall

HC 407 - Technology and the Good Life

Kevin Gable

153 Gilbert Hall

CH 362H - Experimental Chemistry I

Elizabeth Gire

301 Weniger Hall

PH 223H - Recitation for Physics 213

Carmen Harjoe

Integrative Biology
3029 Cordley Hall

BI 212H - Principles of Biology &
BI 370H - Ecology

Ross Hatton

204 Rogers Hall

ME 317H - Intermediate Dynamics

Adam Higgins

116 Johnson Hall

CBEE 212H - Energy Balances

Eric Hill

Honors College

HC 199 - Honors Writing &
HC 407 - Semiotics &
HC 407 - Translations

Kassena Hillman

Honors College

HC 408 - Thesis Stage 2: Explore & Build

Kenton Hokanson

Biochemistry & Biophysics
2011 Ag and Life Sci Bldg

BB 407H - Learn to Love Your Lying Eyes (and Brain)

Katherine Hubler

322 Milam

HC 407 - The Holocaust in the Digital Age

Don Johnson

Honors College

HC 407 - Last Year Experience

Amanda Kibler

College of Education
104 Furman Hall

HC 407 - Language and Identity: How We Speak and Who We Are

HoeWoon Kim

368 Kidder Hall

MTH 252H - Integral Calculus

Jonathan King

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

BA 465H - Systems Thinking and Practice

Nate Kirk

Integrative Biology
3029 Cordley Hall

BI 212H - Principles of Biology

Philipp Kneis

Public Policy
300 Bexell Hall

PS 366H - From Atlantis to Utopia: The Politics of the Ideal State

Chris Knutson

153 Gilbert Hall

CH 232H - General Chemistry

David Kovac

Honors College

HC 299 - Building Hope: International Service Learning - Impact

Rebekah Lancelin

Honors College

HC 408 - Thesis Stage 3: Commit

Keith Leavitt

College of Business
443 Austin Hall

BA 352H - Managing Individual and Team Performance

David Lewis

Ethnic Studies
252 Waldo

ES 241H - Introduction to Native American Studies

Sam Logan

Bio/Pop Health Sci
101 Milam

HC 407 - Toy-Based Technology for Children with Disabilities

Filix Maisch

368 Kidder Hall

MTH 256H - Applied Differential Equations

Ben Mason

Honors College

HC 408 - Thesis Stage 4: Compose & Complete

Jason McCarley

Psychological Science
Reed Lodge

PSY 340H - Cognition

Kelly McElroy


HC 407 - Publishing Underground: Publishing Technology and Radical Reform

David McIntyre


PH 223H - Recitation for Physics 213

Gary Micheau

College of Business

BA 357H - Operations Management

Randy Milstein


HC 407 - Sacred Places: Links to Ancient Astronomy &
HC 407 - Science of Science Fiction &
PH 313H - Energy Alternatives

Amir Nayyeri


CS 325H - Analysis of Algorithms

Sandra Neubaum

College of Business

BA 161H - Innovation Nation - Awareness to Action

Amy Neuman

College of Business

BA 161H - Innovation Nation - Awareness to Action

Robert Paasch


ME 383H - Mechanical Component Design

Christine Pastorek


CH 462H - Experimental Chemistry II

Deborah Pence


ME/NSE 312H - Thermodynamics

Scott Peterson


MTH 252H - Integral Calculus

Juha Pohjanpelto


MTH 255H - Vector Calculus II

Linda Richards


HSTS 417H - History of Medicine

Jennifer Richter


HC 407 - Myth, Mothers, & Monsters

Kara Ritzheimer


HST/REL 425H - Holocaust in Its History

Skip Rochefort


CHE 332H - Transport Phenomena II &
HC 407 - Energy IQ: The Changing Energy Landscape

Dan Rockwell


MTH 254H - Vector Calculus I &
MTH 264H - Introduction to Matrix Algebra &
MTH 265H - Introduction to Series

Diana Rohlman

Bio/Pop Health Sci

HC 407 - Science, Ethics and Star Trek

Inara Scott

College of Business

BA 230H - Business Law I

Rorie Solberg

Public Policy

PS 110H - Governing After the Zombie Apocalypse

Nancy Squires


HC 407 - Advancing Our Knowledge of Earth and Beyond:  Satellite Missions

Albert Stetz


PH 407H - The Weird World of Quantum Mechanics

Bo Sun


PH 222H - Recitation for Physics 212

Jeremy Townley

Honors College

HC 407 - What Is Creativity?

Ray Tricker

Honors College

HC 407 - Mental Disability and Well-being in America: Emerging Dilemmas

Chet Udell

Bio & Eco Engineering

HC 407 - Data Driven Enchanted Objects

Mark Van Order

College of Business

BA 223H - Principles of Marketing

Sean Yang

College of Business

BA 240H - Finance

Donald Zobel

Botany and Plant Pathology

BOT 407H - Mount St. Helens:  1980 Eruption, Societal Reaction, and Ecological Response



Mentor Name Mentor Department
Regan A.R Gurung Academic Success and Engagement
Adam Alani College of Pharmacy
Roberto Albertani School of Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Jennifer Alix-Garcia College of Agricultural Sciences
David Allstot School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Kim Anderson Environmental and Molecular Toxicology
Sourabh Apte College of Engineering
Ivan Arismendi Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Sciences
Jonathan Armstrong Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences
Liney Arnadottir Chemical Biological, and Environmental Engineering (CBEE)
Joseph Aslan Biomedical Engineering at Oregon Health & Science University
Nick AuYeung Chemical Biological, and Environmental Engineering (CBEE)
Thomas Badhe  
Mike Bailey Electrical Engineering and Computer Science    
Joe Baio Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering (CBEE)
Ravi Balasubramanian Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Lisa Ballance Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Sciences    
Elisar Barbar Biochemistry and Biophysics
Johnner Barrett Mathematics  
Brian Bay Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Jennifer Beamer College of Health
Johnny Beaver School of Visual, Performing and Design Arts
Brianna Beechler Veterinary Medicine
Mary Beisiegel Mathematics
Luis Bermudez Veterinary Medicine
David Bernell School of Public Policy
Matt Betts College of Forestry, Forest Ecosystems and Society
Massimo Bionaz Animal and Rangeland Science
Cecily Bishop Animal Sciences
Amanda Blaisdell Mathematics
Andrew Bluhm Forest Engineering, Resources, and Management
Gerd Bobe Animal and Rangeland Sciences
Kathleen Bogart School of Psychological Science
John Bolte Department of Biological and Ecological Engineering
Bradley Boovy School of Language, Culture, and Society
Michelle Bothwell Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering (CBEE)
Daniel Bradford School of Psychological Science
Edward Brook Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
Kevin Brown Finance and Administration
Michael Burgett Department of Horticulture
Courtney Campbell School of History, Religion and Philosophy
Ivan Carabajal School of Psychological Science
James Cassidy College of Agricultural Sciences
Sieun Chae Department of Electrical Engineering
Francis Chan Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
Kelly Chandler School of Human Development and Family Sciences
Jeff Chang Botany and Plant Pathology
Frank Chaplen Biological and Ecological Engineering
Marisa Chappell School of History, Philosophy and Religion
Patrick Chappell Biomedical sciences
Taylor Chapple College of Agricultural Sciences
Alexander (Sasha) Chemey College of Engineering
Lizhong Chen Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Paul Cheong College of Science
Melissa Cheyney Anthropology
Jason Clark College of Engineering
Brigitte Cluver College of Business
Deborah Coehlo Psychology
Jamie Cornelius Integrative Biology
Dan Cox Civil and Construction Engineering
Elaine Cozzi Mathematics
David Craig College of Science
Cathleen Crowell Kinesiology
Anita Cservenka Psychological Science
Christopher Curtin Food Science and Technology
David Dallas School of Public Health
Lia Danelishvili Veterinary Medicine
Saethra Darling Animal and Rangeland Sciences
Maude David Microbiology
Joe Davidson College of Engineering
Loren Davis College of Liberal Arts
Dee Denver Integrative Biology
Tiffany Deruyter College of Health
Addison Desnoyer Chemistry
Edward Dever College of Engineering
Daniele Di Lodovico School of Visual, Performing and Design Arts
Jessee Dietch School of Psychological Science
Jonathan Dinkins College of Agricultural Sciences
Brian Dolan Biomedical Sciences
Andy Dong Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Patrick Donnelly College of Engineering
Tevian Dray College of Science
Robert Drummond School of Writing, Literature and Film
Steven Dundas Department of Applied Economics
John Edwards Psychology
Mark Edwards School of Public Policy
Lucas Ellis College of Engineering
Kelsey Emard Geography and Geospatial Science
Bryan Endress Department of Animal and Rangeland Sciences
Martin Erwig Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Alvaro Estevez Biochemistry
Dan Faltesek New Media Communications
Daniel Faltesek College of Liberal Arts
Jeffrey Fearnside Writing, Literature and Film
Jennifer Fehrenbacher Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
Zhenxing Feng Chemical Biological, and Environmental Engineering (CBEE)
Natalia Fernández OSU Libraries and Press
Gary Ferngren School of History, Philosophy and Religion
Jason Fick School of Visual, Performing and Design Arts
Jennifer Field Environmental and Molecular Toxicology
Robert Figueroa School of History, Philosophy, and Religion
Naomi Fitter Sch of Mech/Ind/Mfg Engr
Kaitlin Fogg BIOE
Maria Franco Biochemistry and Biophysics
Julianne Freeman School of Language, Culture, and Society
Michael Freitag Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics, Botany and Plant Pathology
Elain Fu Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering (CBEE)
Dr. Manuel Garcia-Jaramillo College of Agricultural Sciences
Scott Geddes Finance and Administration
Brian Gibbons Finance
Morgan Giers School of Chemical Biological and Environmental Engineering
Stephen Giovannoni Microbiology
Jacqueline Goldman School of Psychological Science
Adrian Gombart Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics
Brenna Gomez School of Writing, Literature and Film
Jessica Gorman School of Nutrition and Public Health
Evan Gottleib School of Writing, Literature and Film
John Greeven Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Cindy Grimm Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Stephanie Grutzmacher School of Nutrition and Public Health
Katherine Gunter College of Health
Regan Gurung School of Psychological Science
Jean Hall Vet Biomedical Science
Kimberly Halsey Microbiology
Jacob Hamblin  School of History, Philosophy and Religion
JJ Hannigan Physical Therapy — OSU Cascades
Stacey Harper Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering (CBEE)
Robert Harris College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
Claudia Häse Veterinary Medicine
Ross Hatton Robotics and Mechanical Engineering
Andrew Hawley Tourism, Recreation and Adventure Leadership
Paul Ha-Yeon Cheong Chemistry
Elizabeth Helman School of Visual, Performing and Design Arts
Sarah Henderson School of Public Policy
David Hendrix Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics
Scott Heppell Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences
Gregory Herman School of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering
Adam Higgins Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering
Christopher Higgins Structural Engineering, Civil and Construction Engineering
Emily Ho Linus Pauling Institute, Nutrition
Mark Hoffman Department of Biological and Population Health Sciences
Kenton Hokanson Department of Microbiology, Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics
Karen Holmberg School of Writing, Literature, and Film
Sanghyun Hong Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Kevin Houser College of Civil and Construction Engineering
Barbara Hudson-Hanley College of Health
Paul Hughes Department of Food Science and Technology
David Hurwitz School of Civil and Construction Engineering
Vincent Immler School of Electical Engrineering /Computer Science
Michelle Inderbitzen School of Public Policy
Gitali Indra College of Pharmacy
Veronica Irvin College of Health
Ladd Irvine Whale Habitat, Ecology & Telemetry Lab
Albrecht Jander Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Andrea Jenny College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
David Ji Chemistry
Ling Jin Department of Biomedical Sciences
Xue Jin Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering
Jennifer Johns Clinical Pathology
Colin Johnson Biochemistry and Biophysics
Matthew Johnston School of Elect Engr/Comp Sci
Gerrad Jones School of Biological and Ecological Engineering (BEE)
Goran Jovanovic School of Chemical Biological and Environmental Engineering
Jooyeoun Jung Department of Food Science and Technology
Lauren Juranek College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
Nirmala Kandadai Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Timothy Kaskela School of Marketing, Design and Analytics
Christine Kelly Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering
David Kerr School of Psychological Science
Sunil Khanna Global Health
Heidi Kloefkorn Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering (CBEE)
Heather Knight Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Amy Koehlinger School of History, Philosophy, and Religion
Siva Kolluri  
Peter Konstantinidis  
David Kovac  
Gerald Krantz  
Kelsy Kretschmer  
Marta Kunecka  
Michelle Kutzler  
Kathryn Lajtha  
Gail Langellotto  
Hannah Lawrence  
Davide Lazzati  
Jared LeBoldus  
Samuel Leiboff  
Taal Levi  
David Lewis  
James Liburdy  
Mei-Ching Lien  
Juyun Lim  
Dong Lin  
Shannon Lipscomb  
Sam Logan  
Joseph Louis  
Zane Ma  
Megan MacDonald  
David Maddison  
Kenneth Maes  
Kathy Magnusson  
Claudia Maier  
Filix Maisch  
Raymond Malewitz  
Luke Marney  
Byron Marshall  
Larry Martin  
William Massey  
Jason McCarley  
Megan McClelland  
Kelly McElroy  
Philip McF  
Philip McFadden  
Tyler McFadden  
Scott McFee  
Lori McGraw  
Erica McKenzie  
Molly Megraw  
Ryan Mehl  
Bruce Menge  
Amber Moore  
Alysia Mortimer  
Nathan Mortimer  
Philip Mote  
Ryan Mueller  
Colin Mulligan  
Ian Munanura  
Ben Mutschler  
Allison Myers  
Andrew Myers  
Andy Myers  
Arun Natarajan  
Amir Nayyeri  
Eric Nelson  
Michael Nelson  
Kyle Newton  
Kyle Niemeyer  
Marc Norcross  
Marcos Norris  
Kara Obermire  
Rebecca Olson  
Sarah Oman  
Robert Paasch  
Alina Padilla-Miller  
Jennifer Parham-Mocello  
Diana Park  
John Parmigiani  
Somayeh Pasebani  
Manoj Pastey  
Kirsi Peltomäki  
Deborah Pence  
Jay Penry  
Catarina Pestana  
Malgorzata Peszynska  
Erin Pettit  
Mark Phillips  
Joseph Piacenza  
Dwaine Plaza  
Colleen Pokorny  
Lisa Price  
Devon Quick  
Tyler Radniecki  
Mark Raleigh  
Beth Rankin  
Dana Reason  
Joshua Reeves  
Rene Reitsma  
Vince Remcho  
Hannah Rempel  
Lorien Reynolds  
Ryann Reynolds  
Casey Richart  
Jennifer Richter  
Kara Ritzheimer  
James Rivers  
James Rivers  
Bryson Robertson  
Doug Robinson  
Seri Robinson  
Skip Rochefort  
Dan Rockey  
Susan Rodgers  
Diana Rohlman  
Gar Rothwell  
Hannah Rowe  
Kari-Lyn Sakuma  
Patricia Sakurai  
Christopher Sanchez  
Stuart Sarbacker  
Laurence Schimleck  
Martin Schuster  
Adam Schwartz  
Bruce Seal  
John Selker  
Stacy Semevolos  
Xiangyou Shen  
Alyssa Shiel  
Mehra Shirazi  
Natalia Shulzhenko  
Jessica Siegel  
Xavier Siemens  
Aleksandra Sikora  
Nicholas Siler  
Rebekah Sinclair  
Etsuko Sisley  
Kerry Skarbakka  
Cleavon Smith  
Jillian St. Jacques  
Jarvis Stark  
James Sterns  
Fred Stevens  
Jan Stevens  
Susanne Stieger-Vanegas  
Joseph Stoner  
Christopher Stout  
Armin Stuedlein  
Kyriakos Stylianou  
Harish Subbaraman  
Christopher Suffridge  
Stacie Summers  
Bo Sun  
Prasad Tadepalli  
Yumie Takata  
Robyn Tanguay  
Rebecca Terry  
Elizabeth Tomasino  
Leigh Torres  
Roger Traylor  
Michael Trevathan  
Lisa Truong  
Julie Tucker  
Desiree Tullos  
Chet Udell  
Monique Udell  
Jessie Uehling  
Richard Van Breemen  
Jamon Van Den Hoek  
Juan Vanegas  
Leela Varadharajan  
Rebecca Vega-Thurber  
Hector Vergara  
Alysia Vrailas-Mortimer  
George Waldbusser  
Haizhong Wang  
Paul Wanke  
Dana Warren  
Edward Weber  
Virginia Weis  
Drummond Wengrove  
Cristina Wilson  
Richard Wirz  
Erica Woekel  
Erika Wolters  
Siew Sun Wong  
Weng-Keen Wong  
Donghua Xu  
Jiayu Xu  
Jimmy Yang  
Inga Zasada  
Xiang Zhang  
Yue Zhang  


Mentor Name Mentor Department
Julie Adams Computer Science
Roberto Albertani MIME
Jennifer Alix-Garcia Applied Economics
Jeff Anderson Botany
Liney Arnadottir

Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

Serkan Ates Animal Science
Stephen Atkinson Microbiology
Nick Auyeung Chemical Engineering
Evan Baden Art
Mike Bailey Computer Science
Joe Baio CBEE
David Baker Film
Yong Bakos College of Engineering
Ravi Balasubramanian

Mechanical Engineering, Bioengineering

Elisar Barbar

Biochemistry and Biophysics

Kathryn Becker-Blease

School of Psychological Science

Colleen Bee Marketing
Brianna Beechler Veterinary Medicine
Mary Beisiegel Mathematics
Huck Bennett

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Kim Bernard Oceanography
David Bernell Liberal Arts
Stephanie Bernell

Public Health and Human Sciences

Frank Bernieri Psychology
Erika Beyer Design
Massimo Bionaz Agricultural Sciences
Kevin Bladon Forestry
Benita Blessing

World Langauges and Cultures

Kathleen Bogart Department of Psychology
Catherine Bolzendahl Public Policy
Michael Boonstra Art
Michelle Bothwell CBEE
Hilary Boudet Sociology/Public Policy
Viktor Bovbjerg

Public Health and Human Sciences

Christy Brekken Applied Economics
Samuel Briggs

Nuclear Science & Engineering

Edward Brook CEOAS
Kevin Brown CBEE
Molly Burke Integrative Biology
Bradley Camburn MIME
Courtney Campbell

History, Philosophy, and Religion

Holly Campbell PPOL and FW
Matt Campbell MIME
David Cann MIME
Iván Carbajal Psychology
Christopher Cebra Clinical Sciences
Marion Ceraso Public Health
Francis Chan Integrative Biology
Xiaohui Chang Business Analytics
Frank Chaplen

Biological and Ecological Engineering

Marisa Chappell

History, Philosophy, and Religion

Patrick Chappell Veterinary Medicine
Lizhong Chen

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Melissa Cheyney Anthropology
Samantha Chisholm Hatfield

Oregon Climate Change Research Institute

Sharyn Clough Philosophy
David Craig Science
Lori Cramer Sociology
Cathleen Crowell

Public Health and Human Sciences

Anita Cservenka Liberal Arts
Christopher Curtin

Food Science and Technology

David Dallas

Public Health and Human Sciences

Lia Danelishvilli Veterinary Medicine
Ashley D'Antonio Forestry
Maude David

Department of Microbiology and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Joe Davidson

Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

Dee Denver Integrative Biology
Daniele Di Lodovico Art
Jesse Dietch Liberal Arts
Peggy Dolcini

CPHHS, Social and Behavioral Health

Patrick Donnelly Computer Science
Tevian Dray Mathematics
Rob Drummond

Writing, Literature, and Film

Jennifer Duringer

Environmental and Molecular Toxicology

John Edwards Psychology
Rebekah Elliott Education
Lisa Ellsworth

Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences

Clinton Epps Fisheries and Wildlife
Alvaro Estevez Biochemistry
Jeff Fearnside

Writing, Literature, and Film

Zhenxing Feng

Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

Patricia Fifita Ethnic studies
Erica Fischer

Engineering; Civil and Construction Engineering

Kaitlin Fogg

Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

James Fox Microbiology
Maria Franco

Biochemistry and Biophysics

Michael Freitag

Biochemistry and Biophysics

Brian Fronk MIME
Elain Fu

School of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

Manuel Garcia-Jaramillo Agricultural Sciences
Violetta Gerasymenko Business
Jaga Giebultowicz Integrative Biology
Morgan Giers

CBEE, College of Engineering

Steve Giovannoni Microbiology
Stephen Good Agricultural Sciences
Jana Gordon Veterinary Medicine
Jessica Gorman

Department of Public Health

Matt Graham Physics
Cindy Grimm

Mechanical Engineering & Robotics

Regan Gurung Psychological Science
Karl Haapala

Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

Kimberly Halsey Microbiology
Jay Hardy Business Management
Stacey Harper

Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

Bridget Hatfield HDFS
Elizabeth Helman Theatre Arts
Sarah Henderson Political Science
David Hendrix

Biochemistry and Biophysics

Emily Henry

Extension and Engagement

Gregory Herman

Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

Chad Higgins

Biological and Ecological Engineering

Eric Hill Honors College
Emily Ho

Public Health and Human Sciences

Manuela Hoehn-Weiss College of Business
Karen Holmberg

Writing, Literature, and Film

Demian Hommel

Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences

Satoris Howes Business Administration
Juan Hu

School of Psychological sciences

David Huruwitz  
Arup Indra Pharmacy
Jane Ishmael College of Pharmacy
Jenny Jackson Nutrition
Albrecht Jander EECS
Yeongjin Jang Computer Science
Jennifer Johns Biomedical Sciences
Colin Johnson

Biochemistry and Biophysics

Matthew Johnston

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Goran Jovanovic

Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering

Megumi Kawasaki MIME
David Kerr

School of Psychological Science

Todd Kesterson

New Media Communications

Sunil Khanna

Biological and Population Heath Sciences

Hoe Woon Kim Math
Heidi Kloefkorn

Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering

Heather Knight

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Dipankar Koley Chemistry
Brianne Kothari HDFS
Dave Kovac Honors College
Meg Krawchuk

Forest Ecosystems and Society

Kelsy Kretschmer Sociology
Michelle Kutzler

Animal and Rangeland Sciences

Kate Lajtha Crop and Soil Science
Gail Langellotto Agricultural Sciences
Cara Lawson

Agricultural Education and Agricultural Sciences

Stefan Lee EECS
Larissa Letaw

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Taal Levi

Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Science

David Lewis Liberal Arts
Mei-Ching Lien Psychology
Shannon Lipscomb

Human Development and Family Sciences

Deanna Lloyd Agricultural Sciences
Sam Logan Kinesiology
Daniel Lopez Cevallos Ethnic Studies
David Lytle Integrative Biology
Megan Macdonald

Biological and Population Health Sciences

Marilyn Mackiewicz Chemistry
Kathy Magnusson Veterinary Medicine
Taifo Mahmud Pharmacy
Claudia Maier Chemistry
Rayond Malewitz English
Andrea Marks Design
V John Mathews ECE
Megan McClelland HDFS
Kelly McElroy Libraries, Honors College
Phil McFadden

Biochemistry and Biophysics

Jessina McGregor Pharmacy
Kathryn McIntosh Education
David McIntyre Science
Ryan Mehl

Biochemistry and Biophysics

Andony Melathopoulos

Horticulture, Pollinator Health Extension

Bruce Menge Biology
Ethan Minot Science
Alexander Moore

Nuclear Science and Engineering

Ryan Mueller Microbiology
Ian Munanura

Forest Ecosystems and Society

Ben Mutschler History
Sushma Naithani

Botany and Plant Pathology

Michael Nelson Liberal Arts
Kyle Niemeyer MIME
May Nyman Chemistry
Kara Obermire Business
Rebecca Olson Liberal Arts
Robert Paasch MIME
Camille Palmer Nuclear Engineering
Jennifer Parham-Mocello

Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

John Parmigiani Research Office
Manoj Pastey Veterinary Medicine
Heather Lynn Pesch College of Business
Erin Pettit

Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences

Joseph Piacenza College of Engineering
Dwaine Plaza Sociology
Gerald Presley

Wood science and engineering

Zachary Price Film
Weihong Qiu

Physics Department and Biophysics and Biochemistry Department

Yunyao Qu

College of Public Health and Human Sciences

Javier r Calvo-Amodio School of MIME
Tyler Radniecki

Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

Dana Reason Liberal Arts
Vincent Remcho Science
Ryann Reynolds- McIlnay Business, Marketing
Kara Ritzheimer Liberal Arts
Jim Rivers

Forestry, Department of Forest Engineering

Bryson Robertson

Civil and Construction Engineering

Seri Robinson Forestry
W. Douglas Robinson

Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences

Skip Rochefort Chemical Engineering
Daniel Rockey Veternary Medicine
Diana Rohlman

Public Health and Human Sciences

Gregory Rorrer Chemical Engineering
Mike Rosulek School of EECS
Gaurav Sahay Pharmacy
Kari-Lyn Sakuma

Public Health and Human Sciences

Patti Sakurai Ethnic Studies
Luisa Santamaria

Botany and Plant Pathology

Adam Schwartz Liberal Arts
Bruce Seal Biology
John Selker BEE
Neil Shay

Food Science and Technology

Aurora Sherman Psychological Science
Mehra Shirazi

Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Natalia Shulzhenko Biomedical Sciences
Xavier Siemens Physics
Aleksandra Sikora Pharmacy
Cory Simon

Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

Barbara Simpson Civil Engineering
Rebekah Sincalir Liberal Arts
Rorie Solberg Liberal Arts
Frank Sousa CEOAS, Geology
Joseph Spatafora

Botany and Plant Pathology

Rorie Spill-Solberg Political Science
Jillian St. Jacques Applied Journalism
Kendall Staggs History
Brent Steel

Public Policy and Political Science

Logan Steele Department of Accounting
James Sterns Applied Economics
Fred Stevens Pharmacy
Susanne Stieger-Vanegas

Radiology, Veterinary Medicine

Kelsey Stoerzinger CBEE
David Stone

Food Science and Technology

Christopher Stout Liberal Arts, Public Policy
Steven Strauss Forestry
Nadia Streletskaya Applied Economics
Bogdan Strimbu

Forestry, FERM Department

Kyriakos Stylianou Chemistry
Mas Subramanian Chemistry
Ibrahim Syed Music
Prasad Tadepalli EECS
Yumie Takata

College of Public Health and Human Sciences

Brian Tanis Biology
Rebecca Terry Integrative Biology
Enrique Thomann Math
Andrew Thurber Microbiology
Carmen Tiffany

New Media Communications

Elizabeth Tomasino Agricultural Sciences
Leigh Torres Agricultural Sciences
Desiree Tullos

Biological & Ecological Engineering

Chet Udell

Biological and Ecological Engineering

Monique Udell

Animal and Rangeland Sciences

Rebecca Vega Thurber Microbiology
Hector Vergara MIME
George Waldbusser CEOAS
Kenneth Walsh Department of Physics
Paul Wanke

History, Philosophy, and Religion

Dana Warren

Forest Ecosystems and Society

Virginia Weis Integrative Biology
Dave Wing Mathematics
Aaron Wolf Geography
Erika Wolters Liberal Arts
Weng-Keen Wong EECS
Bryan Wood

Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

Brian Woods

Nuclear Science & Engineering

David Wrathall

CEOAS Dept of Geography and Geospatial Sciences

Donghua Xu Materials Science
Jimmy Yang Business
Sean Yang Finance
Solomon Yim

Civil Engineering and Chemical Engineering

Eugene Zhang

Computer Graphics and Data Visualization

Yue Zhang

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Keith Leavitt Business
Natalie Dollar Communication



Mentor Name

Mentor Department

Julie Adams

Computer Science

Roberto Albertani

Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering

Jennifer Alix-Garcia

Applied Economics

Serkan Ates

Animal and Rangeland Science

Nicholas AuYeung

Chemical Engineering

Mike Bailey

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

David Baker Oregon State Productions
Yong Bakos

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Elisar Barbar Biochemistry and Biophysics

Kathryn Becker-Blease


Luiz Bermudez

Biomedical Sciences

Kim Bernard

Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science

Stephanie Bernell

Public Health and Human Sciences

Frank Bernieri


Erika Beyer

Marketing, Design, and Analytics

Kevin Bladon

Forest Engineering, Resources, and Management

Benita Blessing

Language, Culture, and Society

Hilary Boudet

Public Policy

Viktor Bovbjerg

Biological and Population Health Sciences

Ted Brekken

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Kevin Brown

Pharmacy and CBEE

Molly Burke

Integrative Biology

Bradley Camburn

Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

Courtney Campbell

School of History, Philosophy, and Religion

Matthew Campbell

Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

Christopher Cebra

Veterinary Clinical Sciences

Jesse Chaney

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Xiaohui Chang

Marketing, Design, and Analytics

Patrick Chappell

Veterinary Biomedical Science

Melissa Cheyney


Samantha Chisholm Hatfield

General Agriculture

David Dallas

Biological and Population Health Sciences

Ashley D'Antonio

Forest Ecosystems and Society

Maude David


Joseph Davidson

 Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

Raffaele De Amicis

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Dee Denver

Integrative Biology

Patrick Donnelly

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Robert Drummond

Writing, Literature and Film

Jennifer Duringer

Environmental and Molecular Toxicology

Rebekah Elliott


Lisa Ellsworth

Fisheries and Wildlife

Clinton Epps

Fisheries and Wildlife

Alvaro Estevez

Biochemistry and Biophysics

Jeff Fearnside

Writing, Literature, and Film

Zhenxing Feng

Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

Patricia Fifita

Language, Culture, and Society

Erica Fischer

Civil and Construction Engineering

Maria Franco

Biochemistry and Biophysics

Brian Fronk

Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering

Elain Fu

Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

Violetta Gerasymenko

Entrepreneurship, Management, and Logistics

Jadwiga Giebultowicz

Integrative Biology

Morgan Giers

Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering

Steve Giovannoni


Jessica Gorman

Public Health and Human Sciences

Konstantinos Goulas

Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering

Cindy Grimm

Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

Regan Gurung

Psychological Science

Karl Haapala

Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

Stacey Harper

Environmental and Molecular Toxicology

Elizabeth Helman

Theatre Arts

David Hendrix

Biochemistry and Biophysics

Emily Henry

Open Campus Education

Chad Higgins

Biological & Ecological Engineering

Eric Hill

Honors College

Manuela Hoehn-Weiss

Entrepreneurship, Management, and Logistics

Karen Holmberg

Writing, Literature, and Film

Satoris Howes

College of Business

Juan Hu Psychology

David Hurwitz

Civil and Construction Engineering

Albert Jander

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Yeongjin Jang

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Jennifer Johns

Veterinary Biomedical Science

Matthew Johnston

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Goran Jovanovic


Jonathan Kaplan


Megumi Kawasaki

Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

David Kerr


Todd Kesterson

New Media Communications

Sunil Khanna

College of Public Health and Human Sciences, Global health

Heather Knight

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Dipankar Koley


Milo Koretsky

Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

Dave Kovac

Honors College

Meg Krawchuk

Forest Ecosystems and Society

Kelsy Kretschmer

Public Policy

Michelle Kutzler

Animal and Rangeland Sciences

Kate Lajtha

Crop and Soil Science

Keith Leavitt

Entrepreneurship, Management, and Logistics

Taal Levi

Fisheries and Wildlife

Mei-Ching Lien


Shannon Lipscomb

Social and Behavioral Health Science

Deanna Lloyd

Crop and Soil Science

Sam Logan


Daniel López-Cevallos

Academic Affairs/ Latina/o/x Studies, Ethnic Studies, and Health Equity

Kathy Magnusson

Veterinary Biomedical Sciences

Taifo Mahmud


Marta Maldonado

Language, Culture, and Society

Ray Malewitz

Writing, Literature, and Film

Andrea Marks

Marketing, Design, and Analytics

V John Mathews

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Megan McClelland

Social and Behavioral Health Science

Kelly McElroy

Valley Library

Kevin McGrath

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Jessina McGregor


Andony Melathopoulos

Horticulture, Pollinator Health Extension

Bruce Menge

Integrative Biology

Michael Nelson

Public Policy

May Nyman


Rebecca Olson

Writing, Literature, and Film

Mike O'Malley


Robert Paasch

Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering

Camille Palmer Nuclear Science and Engineering

John Parmigiani

Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering

Heather Lynn Pesch


Dwaine Plaza

Public Policy

Gerald Presely

Wood Science and Engineering, Forestry

Weihong Qiu

Biochemistry & Biophysics

Ryann Reynolds-McIlnay


James Rivers

Forest Ecosystems and Society

Bryson Robertson

Civil and Construction Engineering

William Robinson

Fisheries and Wildlife

Skip Rochefort

Chemical Engineering

Chad Rodgers


Diana Rohlman

Public Health and Human Sciences

Shawn Rowe


Kari-Lyn Sakuma

Public Health and Human Sciences

Luisa Santamaria

Botany and Plant Pathology

Neil Shay

Food Science and Technology

Xavier Siemens


Barbara Simpson

Civil & Construction Engineering

Rorie Solberg

Political Science

Logan Steele


Fred Stevens


Susanne Stieger-Vanegas

Clinical Sciences, Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine

Dave Stone Food Science and Technology

Christopher Stout

Public Policy

Steven Strauss

Forest Ecosystems and Society

Nadia Streletskaya

Applied Economics

Bogdan Strimbu


Kyriakos Stylianou


Yumie Takata

Biological and Population Health Sciences

Robert Thompson

Ethnic Studies

Andrew Thurber


Carmen Tiffany

New Media Communications

Leigh Torres

Fisheries and Wildlife/ Oregon Sea Grant Extension

Chet Udell

Biological & Ecological Engineering

Monique Udell

Animal and Rangeland Sciences

Hector Vergara

Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering

George Waldbusser

Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science

Kenneth Walsh


Paul Wanke

History, Philosophy, and Religion

Dana Warren


Virginia Weis

Integrative Biology

Aaron Wolf


Erika Wolters

Political Science

Sean Yang


Eugene Zhang

Computer Graphics and Data Visualization

Yue Zhang

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science





Houssam Abbas

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Julie Adams

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Joseph Agor

Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

Roberto Albertani

Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

Jay Alder

Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences

Jennifer Alix-Garcia

Applied Economics

Matthew Andrews


Sourabh Apte

Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

Ivan Arismendi

Fisheries and Wildlife

Serkan Ates

Animal and Rangeland Sciences

Stephen Atkinson


Nick AuYeung

Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering

Mike Bailey

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Yong Bakos

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Patrick Ball


Elisar Barbar

Biochemistry and Biophysics

Geoff Barstow

 History, Philosophy, and Religion

Eliza Barstow

History, Philosophy, and Religion

Kathryn Becker-Blease

 Psychological Science

David Berger


Frank Bernieri

 Psychological Science

Matt Betts

Forest Ecosystems & Society

Kelly Biedenweg

 Agricultural Sciences

Kevin Blandon


Benita Blessing

World Languages and Cultures

Marit Bovbjerg

 Biological and Population Health Sciences

Viktor Bovbjerg


Ted Brekken

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Samuel Briggs

Nuclear Engineering

Kevin Brown

Pharmaceutical Sciences/ Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

Molly Burke

 Integrative Biology

Margaret Burnett

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Posy Busby

Botany and Plant Pathology

DeMara Cabrera


Javier Calvo-Amodio

Mechanical, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering

Bradley Camburn

Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

Courtney Campbell

History, Philosophy, and Religion

Matthew Campbell

Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

David Cann

Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

Christopher Cebra

Clinical Sciences

Chih-hung Chang

Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering

Xiaohui Chang


Marisa Chappell

History, Philosophy, and Religion

Patrick Chappell

Veterinary Medicine

Jiyao Chen


Jon Chesbro


Melissa Cheyney


Samantha Chisholm-Hatfield

Oregon Climate Change Research Institute

Kathryn Ciechanowski


Peter Clark


Mary Cluskey


Brigitte Cluver

Design and Human Environment

John Conley

Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

Richard Cooley

Biochemistry and Biophysics

Jamie Cornelius

Integrative Biology

Cathleen Crowell


Bryon Crump

Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences

Anita Cservenka

 Psychological Science

Christopher Curtin

Food Science & Technology

Ashley D'Antonio


David Dallas

 Public Health and Human Sciences

Lia Danelishvili

Veterinary Medicine

Maude David

Microbiology/ Pharmaceutical Sciences

Joseph Davidson

Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

Loren Davis


Raffaele De Amicis

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Dee Denver

Integrative Biology

Patrick Donnelly

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Qwo-Li Driskill

Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies

Rob Drummond

Writing, Literature, and Film

Jennifer Duringer

Environmental & Molecular Toxicology

Gilad Elbom

 Writing, Literature, and Film

Rebekah Elliott


Lisa Ellsworth

Fisheries and Wildlife

Clinton Epps

 Fisheries and Wildlife

Martin Erwig

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Alvaro Estevez

Biochemistry and Biophysics

Scott Fairbanks

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Jeff Fearnside

 Writing, Literature, and Film

Zhenxing Feng

Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

Alan Fern

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Xiaoli Fern

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Robert Figueroa


Erica Fischer

Civil and Construction Engineering

Naomi Fitter

Mechanical, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering

Maria Franco

Biochemistry & Biophysics

Brian Fronk

Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

Elain Fu

Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

Tiffany Garcia

Fisheries and Wildlife

Violetta Gerasymenko


Joshua Gess

Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

Jaga Giebultowicz

Integrative Biology

Morgan Giers

Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

Steve Giovannoni


Stephen Good

Biological and Ecological Engineering

Jessica Gorman

Public Health and Human Sciences

Konstantinos Goulas

Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering

Matt Graham


Cindy Grimm

Mechanical, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering

Kirsten Grorud-Colvert

Integrative Biology

Regan Gurung

 Psychological Science

Karl Haapala

Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

Sally Hacker

Integrative Biology

Kathryn Hadley


Reem Hajjar

Forest Ecosystems & Society

Jean Hall

Biomedical Sciences

Stacey Harper

Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

Donald Heer

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Sebastian Heiduschke

Language, Culture, and Society

Elizabeth Helman


David Hendrix

Biochemistry & Biophysics

Emily Henry

Center for Latin@ Studies and Engagement

Scott Heppell

Fisheries and Wildlife

Robin Hess

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Colin Hesse

Speech Communications

Adam Higgins

Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

Chad Higgins

Biological and Ecological Engineering

Eric Hill English/ Honors College

Emily Ho

 Biological and Population Health Sciences

Manuela Hoehn-Weiss


Karen Holmberg

 Writing, Literature and Film

Norman Hord

 Biological and Population Health Sciences

Satoris Howes


Victor Hsu

Biochemistry & Biophysics

Juan Hu

Psychological Science

David Hurwitz

Civil and Construction Engineering

Arup Indra


Veronica Irvin

Social and Behavioral Health Sciences

Albrecht Jander

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Yeongjin Jang

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Ling Jin

Biomedical Sciences

Jennifer Johns

Clinical Pathology

Colin Johnson

Biochemistry and Biophysics

Matthew Johnston

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Goran Jovanovic

Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering

Alan Kadish

Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering

Jonathan Kalodimos


Jonathan Kaplan


Megumi Kawasaki

Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

Lori Kayes

Integrative Biology

David Kerr

 Psychological Science

Sunil Khanna

 Biological and Population Health Sciences

Molly Kile

Environmental and Occupational Health

Heather Knight

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Dipankar Koley


Milo Koretsky

Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

Dave Kovac

Honors College

Meg Krawchuk

Forest Ecosystems and Society

Kelsy Kretschmer


Michelle Kutzler

Animal and Rangeland Sciences

Kate Lajtha

Crop and Soil Science

Keith Leavitt


Taal Levi

Fisheries and Wildlife

Hua-yu Li

Political Science

Mei-Ching Lien

 Psychological Science

Charles Liu


Deanna Lloyd

Horticulture/ Sustainability

Sam Logan

 Biological and Population Health Sciences

Rebecca Lybrand

 Crop and Soil Science

Nordica MacCarty

Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

Kathy Magnusson

Biomedical Sciences

Taifo Mahmud


Claudia Maier


Marta Maldonado

Ethnic Studies

Ray Malewitz

Writing, Literature and Film

Elizabeth Marino


Andrea Marks


V John Mathews

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Megan McClelland

Human Development and Family Sciences

Lori McGraw

Human Development and Family Sciences

Molly Megraw

Botany & Plant Pathology

Andony Melathopoulos


Bruce Menge

Integrative Biology

Randall Milstein


Cynthia Mojica

Public Health and Human Sciences

James Molyneux


Hong Moulton

Biomedical Sciences

Ryan Mueller


Karl Mundorff

OSU Advantage Accelerator

Allison Myers

Public Health and Human Sciences

Tala Navab-Daneshmand

Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

Mark Needham

Forest Ecosystems & Society

Sean Newsom

Public Health and Human Sciences

Leon Nguyen

Crop and Soil Science

Kyle Niemeyer

Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

Mark Novak

Integrative Biology

May Nyman


Mike O'Malley


Joseph Orosco


Robert Paasch

Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

John Parmigiani

Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

Elena Passarello

Writing, Literature, and Film

Ted Paterson


Deborah Pence

Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

Heather Lynn Pesch


Christoffer Petersen

Special Collections and Archives Research Center

Benjamin Philmus

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Christine Pollard

Kinesiology/ Fisheries and Wildlife

Gerald Presely

Wood Science and Engineering, Forestry

Devon Quick

Integrative Biology

Dana Reason


Vincent Remcho


Ryann Reynolds- McIlnay


Linda Richards

History, Philosophy, and Religion

Jennifer Richter

Writing, Literature, and Film

James Rivers

Forest Ecosystems and Society

Bryson Robertson

Civil and Construction Engineering

Matthew Robinson

Biological and Population Health Sciences

William Robinson

Fisheries and Wildlife

Skip Rochefort

Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

Daniel Rockey

Biomedical Sciences

Chad Rodgers


Diana Rohlman

Environmental and Occupational Health

Mike Rosulek

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Shawn Rowe


Weihong Qui Biochemistry & Biophysics

Kari-Lyn Sakuma

Public Health and Human Sciences

Patricia Sakurai

Ethnic Studies

Dana Sanchez

Fisheries and Wildlife

Luisa Santamaria

OSU Extension Service

Stuart Sarbacker


Pauline Schilpzand


Laurence Schimleck

Wood Science and Engineering

Andreas Schmittner

Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences

Inara Scott


Lewis Semprini

Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

Neil Shay

Food Science and Technology

Thomas Shellhammer

Food Science and Technology

Dawn Sherwood

Animal and Rangeland Sciences

Xavier Siemens


Cory Simon

Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

Barbara Simpson

Civil and Construction Engineering

Stacey Smith

 History, Philosophy, and Religion

Rorie Solberg

Political Science

Jillian St. Jacques

Writing, Literature and Film

Susanne Stieger-Vanegas

Veterinary Medicine

Kelsey Stoerzinger

Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

Christopher Stout

Political Science

Steven Strauss

Forest Ecosystems and Society

Nadia Streletskaya

Applied Economics

Bogdan Strimbu


Kyriakos Stylianou


Stacie Summers

Small Animal Internal Medicine

Bo Sun


Prasad Tadepalli

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Yumie Takata


Janet Tate


Robert Thompson

Ethnic Studies

Andrew Thurber


Carmen Tiffany

New Media Communications

Susan Tilton

Environmental and Molecular Toxicology

Leigh Torres

Fisheries and Wildlife Science

Irem Tumer

Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering

Monique Udell

Animal and Rangeland Sciences

Chet Udell

Biological and Ecological Engineering

Rebecca Vega Thurber


Hector Vergara

Mechanical, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering

George Waldbusser

Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences

Kenneth Walsh


Paul Wanke

 History, Philosophy, and Religion

Jennifer Warnock

Veterinary Medicine

Virginia Weis

Integrative Biology

Jason Weiss

Civil & Construction Engineering

David Williams

Environmental and Molecular Toxicology

Aaron Wolf


Brian Woods

Nuclear Engineering

Sean Yang


Eugene Zhang

Computer Graphics and Data Visualization